Why do we need yet another blog, and who is this Gomisan person anyway?
I’ve been running a variety of websites for some time now, fansites, gaming and technology news, and even live webcam sites including a blog for my aquariums. However I don’t have the time or energy to devote to a Fansite anymore, and the bandwidth costs can get outrageous if the site takes off. I tried my hand at Gaming and technology news and for a while it was fantastic, I even scored some major scoops and got a few freebies to review, but the work involved in keeping on top of the gaming world is too much for one person, and add Gadgets and tech into the mix and you’re asking for burnout.
That’s what happened really, I burnt out on some fantastic sites that just got too much to handle, and weren’t bringing in a revenue stream to make them worthwhile. So I turned to specific interest sites, stuff that was near and dear to me and didn’t require the latest news around the clock, just dedication to a single cause. Except when I wasn’t feeling so dedicated to that subject the sites suffered and atrophied.
Now I’m in the mood for something new, but it needs to be broad enough that I can wax lyrical about whatever is on my mind. Sure I may get the occasional piece of tech news, or I may review some nifty gadgets but that’s not all this site will be.
Hopefully, over time the site will take on a definite flavour, and who knows, it may even attract some readership. But I’m making no promises, no guarantees of updates. Just a place I can post stuff of interest to me. I may rehash some old content from other sites too. Hell I may just point all my domains here. We’ll see.
I hope you enjoy what you read here. I hope you find stuff interesting, and maybe even funny. Above all, if you are reading my site, I’d love to hear from you. Comments are welcome, feedback always appreciated.