- Sitting at doctors, looks like a long wait. 🙁 #
- Don’t know why I bother with Doctors sometimes. Nothing more they can do that I dont know already, get lots of rest. #
- Cooking up a healthy dinner, my body needs sustenance, at least the Panadiene Extra is kicking in. #
- @Poptartlr So when do you want this practise session? #
- @Marawitch Can you send me some express post 😉 #
- Funniest thing on latest Mythbusters, Jamie over balances a giant forklift. #
- @ReverendRaph What model Drobo are you planning on getting? #
- Our political opposition bores me to tears. Whingers. No constructive input, just talk and negative thinking. #
- @brendanb It just shows they aren’t interested in what’s best for Australia, only what’s best for Turnbull(shit) #
- The thing I feel the opposition forgets, is that they were voted in just like the ruling party, with a mandate to help govern this country. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-13
- @_alec_ I loved Torchwood, wished there was more of it. #
- Feeling so drained, glad I’ve taken a day off and slept all morning, but now what to do? #
- @tuttle88 Doesn’t bother me, that’s how I had my options set anyway. Though I think it’s a bit daft to remove what was optional anyway #
- @Marawitch #ewokbukkake oh why has the past week been full of so much wrong?! hehehe #
- @mpesce Damn you being in the Eastern states.. you do realise we have to wait for #newinventors here in Adelaide. #
- #Gruentransfer #antiprejudicead http://www.antiprejudicead.net/ Really good discussion on this topic. Glad it’s online to watch. #
- @JudyDeVille LOL… simultaneous post? #
- Night twitterland, here’s hoping I’m brighter in the morning and ready for a glorious day at work. choke. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-12
- Now it’s started… #twitterpornnames [first pet + first street] mine = Meat Magill #
- I’m feeling exhausted just sitting at my desk. Wish I was home on couch watching a DVD. #
- downloading some Mythbusters, quiet night tonight. Cant drag myself out to Star Trek 🙁 #
- @ABCAdamHills Best GNW I’ve seen for a long time. Loved it! #
- http://twitpic.com/50ym2 – Cat on lap #
- @Marawitch lol… I don’t know. That’s Rogue, which one presented you with that gift? #
- Be sensible, have fun. Don’t be paranoid. http://bit.ly/bjlOs #twitterpornnames #
PornStarNames invade Twitter
I’m not surprised really, Twitter is, after all a perfect medium for a meme like this. But the name game isn’t a new one, hell I think I remember first figuring out my Porn Star Name when I was in early high school, a long long time before the internet existed as we know it.
But now…wow! Paranoia is brought to new levels. Warnings abound now on Twitter about how revealing your PornStarName is akin to giving those nasty hackers/crackers/russian mafia you credit card number and PIN. Well, get over it. A couple of things to think about…
1) I’ve never seen Street names used as security questions in over 17yrs online IT work. Occasionally pet names, yes but think about it…
2) If you DO use these things as passwords, security answers, then you’d be pretty damn stupid to start typing them out anywhere, I hate to say people deserve to have ID stolen, but if you’re going to be that daft, then maybe you do.
I think someone mentioned something about mother’s maiden name being aprt of the game, and if someone’s trying to slip that in, then yes, I’d be a bit more concerned. It was never part of the game, and may be an obvious attempt at social engineering, but again, you wouldn’t be that stupid in the first place would you. I mean, does anyone actually USE their mother’s maiden name as a security question answer? It’s probably one of the least secure items you could use to start with, easily discovered by any really interested person.
PornStarNames is a laugh itss been doing the rounds since long before the internet, just because it made it to Twitter, no need to think it’s some great social engineering scam, it’s not.
Have a laugh, at your own expense and others, and if you have, foolishly, used any of this information as a password or security question somewhere, then surely you’ll see those letters appear on the screen before you and know it’s not a good idea to share.
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-11
- arrghhh … I can feel my body starting to fight off something. I hate getting sick, more pineapple juice! #
- @JudyDeVille Would persuade you. But feeling like I’m coming down with something nasty. Need to get home & rest. & don’t want to share it. #
- @___Jennifer____ Pineapple juice has always worked well for me 🙂 #
- Feeling crap… hot lemon & honey – check. Heater – check. Time to nap in front of telly and hope I feel better in the morning. achey 🙁 #
- @Tarale Thanks, but I’m pretty much guaranteed cat snuggles when i get back on the couch. 🙂 #
- @PremierMikeRann Coles used to offer paper bags, not sure if they still do, but should be compulsory alternative instead of plastic. #
- @rebeccamezzino Boxes, coloured cardboard boxes #
- yay! my girlfriend passed her 100% test for Roller Derby, she can play! #
- @davidkudrev No stimulus for me yet… waiting…. #
- Dragged myself into work, still feeling like something is battling to take over my body #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-10
- @atub Where is Kappy’s Cafe? #
- @Marawitch YOu can book tickets for Derby on Oztix! http://www.oztix.com.au/ Good idea to get there early as seating fills up really quick! #
- @Marawitch of course, if I know you’re coming I can try and hold a seat, I am always early. #
- @oliyoung Roomba path looks cool. Love the spiral pattern. Wouldn’t mind a Roomba of my own #
- Just rang my mum in France to wish here a happy Mother’s Day. How did we afford these luxuries withuot VOIP! #
- How do i explain to my Nana that i’m just too fucked literally and figuratively to come and visit her at my aunts on mother’s day? #
- @chantelleaustin They have the potential to, but it totally depends on the needs of the couple. #
- Just transferred about 1200 photos to my PC from last nights Derby bout. Not going to tackle that now! Settling down to some #f1 instead. #
- @chantelleaustin As for alternative relationships and sexuality. Hell yes. In fact I tend to think they are. But I’m in one…. #
- @JudyDeVille wazzup????? #
- @Tarale hehe great derby photo. I went crazy too, as usual, will post in a day or so when sorted. Love to see some more of yours. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-09
- Up and about, 2 hungry cats, washing to do, better get to it! #
- @JudyDeVille nah, at home getting washing done, getting ready for Derby this afternoon. Have fun in the city, don’t spend too much 🙂 #
- @JudyDeVille cheeky sod, speak like that and you’ll get a spanking! :p #
- At the roller derby, snuck in early with my derby girl 😀 #
- Great roller derby match. Mile Die Club kicked arse. Off to pub 4 drinks with girls. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-08
- @monnie What’s the story with the atub meetup? I probably can’t make it (Roller Derby then after match drinks) but I’d like to if possible #
- @monnie mmm, will def be at the Roller Derby! Pity. #
- @Tarale mind if I borrow you Titter background for my page? #
- @Tarale oops. twitter. lol. #
- @Poptartlr Coming to the Roller Derby? #
- @Tarale cheers, if I spent less time on Twitter and more time working… hang on, I still wouldn’t get around to making my own. doh! #
- @Tarale http://twitpic.com/2pnuw – ooo. Nice! #
- @Tarale http://twitpic.com/25fny – Is this yours? lovely! #
- Looks like I might get to see Star Trek next tues. Cheapskate Tuesday 🙂 #
- Still can’t get to #TikiBarTv , you sure it’s back up @DrTiki ? #
- Louis Jordan – The Two Little Squirrels (Nuts To You) … such a happy gay song , NUTS! ♫ http://blip.fm/~5u323 #
- And now for some Ray Charles, I got A Woman ♫ http://blip.fm/~5u3a9 #
- http://bit.ly/kCjcz
Star Wars + Chipmunks = cuteness! # - http://bit.ly/LuU3r
He’s behind you, he’s got Swine Flu #swineflu #zombiefriday # - NSFW: Psychobilly Kadillaks – Roller derby queen, getting in the Roller Derby mood for tomorrow! ♫ http://blip.fm/~5u4qc #
- Holy crap, I just hit 100 followers, I think this calls for a beer! (Laughed when I saw it was a Swine Flu bot that made the magic century) #
- @ADRD I like my dolls salty! What am I to do??!!1 😉 #
- @mokargas Exactly my thoughts on Stadium! Populist move, build hospital, build trams, but screw the stadium. #
- @ADRD I’ll have to confer with my Salty Doll… might have to play it safe and be neutral #
- WTF?! http://bit.ly/V7Xcv #
- Just had to send a rather firm/direct email to someone on another site who made some inappropriate comments on some of my GFs pics. 🙁 #
- @andrewsayer Which Ethiopian restaurant is that? #
- @mistressmia Hello. Just read your article. My work doesn’t require building client relationships, but appreciate your take on Twitter. #
- @mistressmia So thought I’d say Hi, and let you know I enjoyed the quick read. 140 characters is a little too short for me though! #
- @Marawitch Twitpic! That’s what it’s for! lol. 😉 #
- Just prepared a mega tuna pasta bake, will be gobbling it down in 20mins. #
- @tuttle88 Death toll was pretty good in Midsomer Murders tonight. A couple of nice red herrings. #
- @tuttle88 You missed the Stabbing at the hotel! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-07
- @drtiki Great that you guys are using an Australian game dev company! #
- Is there anyone who can help with getting RFID data from USB reader into access database app? #
- http://is.gd/xmjv This game looks hot! Red Dead Redemption, by Rockstar #
- Just ate a very yummy pizza from work canteen… extremely oily, but tasty! #
- Now I want another instead of the healthy sandwich i made myself 🙁 #
- Late home, popped in at my GFs to say hi before she headed off to Roller Derby training #
- Media Watch has always been a favourite program of mine. Nothing else like it. #
- Wonder if Media Watch will pick up on bad journalism story of the day about incorrect quotes lifted from Wikipedia #
- Love the influence Australia has on Twitter trending topics, such as #MediaWatch (yes I’m watching the Media Watch special) #
- RT @whatthetrend Why is #Mediawatch trending? Help explain why at What The Trend? http://wttrend.com/3188 #
- OK… trap for the unwary, genuine Twitterers with spam site URLs as their website? Not cool! #
- Another day at work, meeting today to discuss SAN implementation. Not sure if they’ll like spending the $$$ though! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-05-06
- Ok, last nights late night snack choice… may not have done the nicest things to my belly. #
- @JudyDeVille forward it on.. disgustin’ food is just what i need right now. lol #
- @CaliLewis Good Luck! Fingers crossed for you! #
- Waiting to see who got the Best Job in the World #
- Congrats to Ben S for winning Best Job in the World. My vote was for Cali Lewis though 🙁 #
- http://www.islandreefjob.com/ Winner announced for Best Job in the World #
- @calilewis Bad luck 🙁 Hope you had a fantastic time in the process though! #
- Just watched Defiance with Daniel Craig. Fantastic movie, superb. #
- running a recovery on a clients borked HDD, and hoping I actually get paid quickly for my time #
- @sueissilly Happy Together is one one my favourite songs, great Blip, tnx! #
- Waiting for recovered data to copy 2 one of my HDDs. Really should be in bed by now. Work in the morn and and don’t need this late a night! #
- @sueissilly woman after my own heart with the music you’re playing! #
- almost done, then i can climb into bed and my warm quilt. sooo tired. #
- @JudyDeVille mmm, same. #