- Twitter not posting my tweets from web. π #
- http://ihnj1.tk Great idea needs publicity! if you need something done, try here! #
- RT @RichardWiseman Just posted: Chiropractic evidence: The curious case of the missing study http://iga47.tk #
- Thank Mercury for Twitterbar, or I’d be without Tweets today! (Prize to those who lknow why I chose Mercury.) #
- @drtiki encoding it? When will we see it online, suffering TikiBar withdrawals! Love you work. #
- @donttrythis Curious… has Kari Byron popped yet? Surely with the lag between filming and reality she’s be due/past due? #
- @tuttle88 I just asked Adam Savage.. maybe he’ll even reply! #
- @tohbee Close…. Messenger god π #
- http://3uyd1.tk WOW! Just been watching new Torchwood trailers and it looks awesome! #
- @AddoraLive How much are they, I think it’s time I bought someone a present I can enjoy too π #
- Catching up on back episodes of Geekbrief.tv #
- Does anyone else use Miro to watch podcats? If I let a video play to the end it crashes! But is fine if I stop it a second before π #
- Woohoo! RT @tikibartv Tiki Bar TV Episode 44: Gypsy http://cli.gs/E9WbR #
- @CaliLewis What happened to brief #582 ? #
- Loved the new TikiBar TV episode. cocksucker. #
- My new 50mm lens has arrived ! Off to pick it up this afternoon. Some nice bright glass for my D90 #
- @lindseylu What is your bumper sticker?? #
- @adam1975 The f1.8 .. couldn’t afford the 1.4 and if I really need glass that fast I have an older Nikkor 50mm f1.2 I can use. #
- @lindseylu Love it! #
- @_alec_ Yeah FlashForward looks like it has a lot of potential, can’t wait! #
- Just added a LOT of DVDs to my database with my new barcode scanner, makes it quick and easy! #
- My name is on the LRO on it’s way to the moon. I’d forgotten I’d signed up for that π #
- Watching NASA LRO mission live : http://bit.ly/NFN6T #
- http://twitpic.com/86f90 – DVD’s i’ve added tonight! #
- Experimenting with my new 50mm. Need to take it walkabout one evening in town. #
- Forgot all about buying a lottery ticket π #
- http://is.gd/1a78R 50mm test shots #
- @stewie__ Nice! I love the muted yellows against the blue. #
- @stewie__ Not as much as I should. Terribly slow getting ones I do take online. Still have photos from France I need to u/l. You use Flickr? #
- @stewie__ I’ve tried a few online albums, FlickR is definitely best (IMHO). Go for it, I always like to see more peoples photos! π #
- I’m taking my camera to work tomorrow, make some time after work to go for a walk in town and take some shots with my 50mm #
- http://is.gd/1aaOr Amazing image from Space Station of volcano erupting. #
- Promised myself an early night, so I really should get off to bed. Night twitterverse! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-22
- Catching up on the IT news of the day @gizmodo and @TED etc #
- http://0un9i.tk John Hodgman: βBarack Obama Is The First Nerd Presidentβ Brilliant talk, watch this video! #
- http://is.gd/18YB9 Finally! Researchers confirm that my post drinking bacon fest is good for me! #
- RT @SkepticZone “Disgusting commercial for Answers in Genesis. ? http://bit.ly/mUgAQ ” This is offensive, please flag as such to YouTube! #
- @posty Yeah, I realised that belatedly, found it pretty damn offensive and clicked/twittered before reading further. Pays to count to 10 1st #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-21
- awake #
- @JudyDeVille Sounds like you are having a bloody fantastic time! Great to hear the occasional updates. #
- http://is.gd/17QBO Google Earth updates Iran imagery! #iranelection #
- Just mowed my front lawn and hit the weeds with wed killer. #
- @Poptartlr SATC? #
- Tania just popped over for a surprise visit, feeling happy. Watched Ep. 1 of Torchwood, now want to watch it all again! #
- @shaunau Boots and a mini always does it for me too π #
- Webber takes 2nd place, great driving Webber! #f1 #
- Is anyone able to get me an Adelaide cabaret festival poster in good condition for my mum in France, she collects them #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-20
- http://is.gd/16OGQ Racoons are awefully cute! Thanks to whoever twittered this, forgot who sorry. #
- Just spent another night crashed on couch with heater going full bore. Very groggy. #
- @xutraa Where are you getting your tattoo done? I’m getting another soon and looking for recommendations. #
- Doctor’s and Nurses fetish party tonight, good opportunity to wear my latex and carry a stethoscope #
- @chantelleaustin http://twitpic.com/7vim2 – Tasty! Heavenly even, but I don’t suppose you’re a saint π #
- Oh no! god tweets on the rise, quick, spread the word #atheism for the win! #
- @bindikins awwww, that’s sweet! and, congratulations, on the baby, and on joining Twitter π #
- @AddoraLive Do people still buy porn DVDs? I thought everyone would just download these days!? #
- Frustrated with NWN, trying to kill a Lich that just wont go down! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-19
- @donttrythis Duck in a can is awesome, ate a bit of it last time in France, never see the like here in Aus. #
- http://eocec.tk I hate reading things that make me teary #
- @AddoraLive Don’t talk about beer, I’d die for a beer right now! #
- Is anyone able to get me a cabaret festival poster in good condition for my mum in France, she collects them! #
- Could do with a beer or 2 #
- @Marawitch Goodies, goody goody yum yum! #
- Thanks @donttrythis this Machinma is great! “Future Soon”: http://tinyurl.com/l5abqy. #
- Anyone going to the Cranka tonight? #
- @ohindiegirl Take care! #
- The plan, watch some MASH, scrapheap challenge, eat yummy food, beers with Raph and head to the Cranka, any takers? #
- @teamellyn Yes, Red Wine CAN go off. Corked bottle or screw top? Corked is more likely to go bad, but both can. #
- @teamellyn Vodka AND red wine? lol #
- RT @tweetmeme First swine flu death recorded in Australia | Breaking Tweets http://cli.gs/rPr7Zb #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-18
- In really good mood today. Feeling great! #
- Amazing world resposne in Social Media to #iranelection http://mashable.com/2009/06/17/iranelection-crisis-numbers/ #
- IE8 only? Microsoft this is bullshit! http://www.microsoft.com/australia/ie8/competition/ @tengrand_IE8 #
- @donttrythis I hope so! Why tolerate such bullshit! #
- http://72y9x.tk This emerging debate in the comments with conspiracy nut ‘Neil’ is great reading #
- Did you know that Twitter may only give access to your most recent tweets? http://backupmytweets.com/ #
- Off to see a specialist about my snoring (which is so quiet my cat purrs louder!) but TC sleeps VERY lightly. #
- Just been to see a specialist about my snoring, I have 3 obstructions and have to go do a sleep study! #
- @monnie http://twitpic.com/7p08b – Looks great! #
- Found out my hospital cover wont cover the sleep study unless it’s in a public hospital π #
- @Marawitch Be careful! There’s talk the update can brick your phone! #
- It’s cold! and I’m all talked out after delivering new PC and running through features etc for almost 3 hrs. #
- @donttrythis That’s a great song, and very cool thing to be in. Even if you are the drowning nerd. hehehe #
- @Marawitch Is that 2 nights in a row with the sherbet? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-17
- RT @donttrythis For you @meaderic: Fear and loathing in LEGO: http://p0xui.tk #
- wow, that RT took three tries. LOL #
- @andrewsayer I dunno if I was tested at 9:45 on the way to work I’d say it was late not early. π #
- Playing with Opera Unite, write on my Fridge! http://work.gomisan.operaunite.com/fridge/ #
- In case you missed it last night, #ADRD bout 4 Roller Derby photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gomisan/sets/72157619728872867/ #
- I think our Router/Firewall at work is going to stop Opera Unite working from here, unless I bang a hole through it. #
- Lunch. Hot salami, Homous, Spinach, Onion & Vintage cheddar sandwich. Yumm #
- @Lilylauren Thanks for the link, will add it to my weekly IT bulletin for staff #
- @andrewsayer http://twitpic.com/7151o – What software did you use to do this? and what were the exposures? #
- Beautiful sunset tonight! Amazing colours and dramatic clouds. Was missing my camera as I drove home. #
- Pity it’s a counterpoint to me and TC having a few things that aren’t working. We’ve got to talk it out, but she’s going away 4 the weekend. #
- How much do you compromise? How much time do you give things? If you’re not happy do you walk away or persevere to make things work? #
- @Tarale Scrapheap Challenge is an awesome show, would love to be on it! #
- Watching #newinventors and #spicksnspecks via the wonders of Digital recording, so 30mins delayed, don’t spoil ’em for me π #
- Just had big long chat with Tania, feel better, we’ve got lots to work through still though. #
- I got the Watership Down reference in #spicksnspecks even if they didnt! #
- My cousin does Market research for Oportos… I wonder if this debate is registering on their radar #
- oh fuck Moving Wallpaper can be funny sometimes. (only sometimes though) #
- @oliyoung hahaha, Mystery Shopper gig maybe. lol. Though not sure she does Adelaide stores. #
- @Marawitch Absolute Power was great! #
- @Marawitch I get furballs if I lick my cats #
- I really cant stand rap, but… http://www.cracked.com/video_16363_star-trek-tng-rap-warning-explicit-lyrics.html TNG Rap. #
- @sueissilly wooohooo! #
- I think a glass of port, a ciggie and then bed. #
- http://twitpic.com/7m8lu – My cats enjoying the heater #
- and I’ll curl up with a Neil Stephenson book – Quicksilver #
- An old work colleague just friened me on FB, I’d been trying find him for years! Turns out I know his brother currently…. weird. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-16
- Happy with my new Acer NAS, currently FTP into it and uploading stuff from my work PC. #
- RT @andrewsayerMoan My IP: http://www.moanmyip.com/ (Safe-ish for work) #
- http://twitpic.com/7ixem – Ceiling cat is in our office watching us work. #
- http://9jvcy.tk Make your own ceiling cat! #
- @Tarale I read yesterday that changes made using Safari may not stick with the billion, but Firefox works. 9and I guess IE) #
- http://id43k.tk Images from Iran. #
- Home at last. The drive is so tedious, but at least I have a choice of car/scooter I guess. Better than public trans! #
- Trying again with the derby photo upload to Flickr. Hasn’t crashed yet! #
- http://is.gd/13k6n #ADRD Roller Derby Bout 4 photos! #
- @AddoraLive Yours sounds like dream job π #
- RT @dansdata In Your Heart, You Know It’s Flat: … http://tinyurl.com/npu2fj (I love Dan’s writings and this is one of his best!) #
- Is the #Iranelection the biggest Trending topic on Twitter ever? Would be interested in seeing combined stats on the topic! Amazing. #
- @Tarale I cant say “phenomenon” for the life of me, but I’ve always said…anthropomorphise (hmmm) #
- http://is.gd/13pqp #iranelection cyberwar guide for beginners #
- Stuck in traffic, accident on king william st. 25mins from north Adelaide and still not at nth Tce. #
- Wow, took 52mins to go 1.5km along King William Rd into the city today! A new record. #
- @minka Yeah I was stuck in the traffic before I heard a road report. Though my SMS was read on radio π #
- @sueissilly What IS a flapper on a toilet? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-15
- http://o22uc.tk This is the sort of tips and encouragement I need! #
- @monnie Slept like a log. But then, I always do. #
- @Poptartlr I like your new avatar photo. #
- http://ca0xz.tk This ones for Raph…. #
- http://e89pk.tk French scenes from my mum #
- @Tarale I sell Billions, not an expert but if you give me a run down I may have some ideas. #
- @Tarale What mac O/S version are you running? I gather there were some issues with OS X 10.5.2. Also what Wireless standard? G or N #
- @Tarale Would a dedicated wireless AP help? I probably have one lying about. #
- @Tarale mm, but is the Linksys an AP, or a Wireless modem that you’re trying to coerce into playing AP? #
- @Tarale I’ll respond on Whirlpool #
- @raven_wyld Shit, that’s just bloody silly. π #
- A couple more eBay goodies arrived today, only just made it to the Post office, they had to hand me my parcels under the roller shutters! #
- @Marawitch YOu can check your derby name here: http://bit.ly/10VQZC #
- Uploading over 500mb of Derby photos to Flickr. All from Bout 4, Salty Dolls vs. Roadtrain Rollers. #ADRD #Rollerderby #
- oops FlickR uploader didn’t like doing a batch that big. Think I’ll go to bed and try again tomorrow. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-14
- Home from Tania’s derby was great yesterday, as was the after party! GOing to try and get backlog of photos online tonight. #
- @iPaulie I’ve been editing the video of a Fringe show, Kinky Kaos. 3 cameras worth of video from 2 nights. All done now. phew. #
- @nikc They’re some really interesting stats! Looks like some people perform better than they’re given credit for (and the converse) #
- http://is.gd/11pc8 Me at the Roller Derby #
- @nikc Of course. Would love to see a season breakdown. #
- http://is.gd/11uGx Pics of Iranian election aftermath. Terrible scenes. #
- @Marawitch http://twitpic.com/79lvq – hehe is that a Salty Dolls Roller Derby pom pom? lol. #
- @stewie__ I’m sure you’ll love the Roller Derby if you come along! Bit of a break before the next bout though π #
- Morning twitters flooded by Gizmodo, you’d think they could pace their content out a boit. #
- RT @donttrythis http://tinyurl.com/mopd4q Creation museum makes me mad. If you think the world is only 6000 years old, please stop following #
- Had to abbreviate that last one a bit, but you get the idea. I’m very much NOT into religious quackery (or any quackery really, sorry ducks) #
- I think Adam Savage just melted Twitpic @donttrythis one second it’s OK, then you post a new one and Twitpic is dead! #