- At work again… wouldn’t mind another week off. Tasks have piled up a bit. #
- About to go on 891 radio to talk about sa.gov.au #
- it does stream, not sure details, but on hold right now #
- Can’t believe I actually rang talkback! #
- @posty Sorry, forgot that bit! LOL wish I had #
- Hey people actually listen to 891, I’ve already had a text from a non twitterer I know #
- I feel really bad for what the guys who work on the site will cop, but it’s not their fault, it’s management and hopefully some of it wi … #
- @PremierMikeRann I hope you or someone in your office took note of talkback on 891 Adelaide this morning regarding http://www.sa.gov.au #Adelaide #
- @shaunau http://www.sa.gov.au #
- thankyou #
- @AdamSatayer New tattoo? #
- OK, just watched Torchwood 5 part special, was good, want more. But that’s how it always is with good shows. Firefly, Deadwood, Dr Who etc #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-12
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-11
- Waiting for Tania to arrive, but not got hopes up for any sort of miracle in promptness. 🙂 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-10
- @iPaulie Thanks, thanks for reminding me I had more bandwidth chewing TV to download 🙂 #
- Meant to be tidying house, but have pizza craving and watching MASH #
- The very first photo out of almost 400 taken at the Gaol captures everything I wanted and is best of all of them. #
- http://n2598.tk Just one photo from the Gaol so far #
- I’m too tired to upload more right now, actually dozed off watching Ashes. #
- OK, a few more coming #
- @tohbee Thanks. I’m not sure I could cope with visiting a working gaol. Miserable enough when empty. #
- http://yul2l.tk Photos from the Adelaide Gaol. #
- @stewie__ Not sure why they’d be grainy?? Double checked the ISO? Did you have it on auto at all? That could have changed ISO #
- @stewie__ I’ve posted a few more since cricket’s rained out 🙁 http://www.flickr.com/photos/gomisan/sets/72157621098402887/ #
- @stewie__ I’d have to see a couple of the photos in question, can you email me a couple of originals so i can look at data? #
- @stewie__ I may be up, depends if I can stay awake while waiting for rain to stop (ashes) email them anyway #
- @stewie__ You cant buy extra download? or rollover early? I’m with Internode and just buy extra gigs if I need them. (twice this week!) #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-09
- @Poptartlr Have you seen the trailer to Robo Geisha yet? #
- @Poptartlr YOu tube: http://bit.ly/vgyE7
and website: http://www.robogeisha.com/ # - Fried Shrimp, Tengu Milk! #
- Just picked another 2 full green bags of lemons and hundreds left to be picked. This tree is insane #
- @Acerebel You missed Lemon Butter and Lemon Sorbet 🙂 #
- @monnie Retweet? Why? #
- @Acerebel Want to come pick some? I’m sure you could take away 3 green bags for a few mins work! #
- @Acerebel I’m in Salisbury. Already had Twitter meet reality today, caught up with a fellow twitterer to takes some photos. #
- @bindikins How many lemons do you want, and when will you pick em up 🙂 #
- @iPaulie I grabbed the Doctor Who special on BT just after it aired in UK… watched all together, loved it! #
- clearing space on my drives so I can dump down today’s photos #
- Windows is NOT happy about being asked to delete over 90 THOUSAND images from my security camera. oops. #
- @grantimahara are you getting pips to go with it? and if so, what rank are you assuming? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-08
- Just woke up, very sleepy but such a nice day outside don’t want to waste it #
- Looking forward to shooting some photos at the old Gaol tomorrow #
- http://to20p.tk @Poptartlr Here’s a home sushi train for you! #
- Watching the Ashes, going to be a late one #
- @Poptartlr I thought of you instantly. Not sure what that says.. lol #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-07
- Sharing car with a huntsman #
- http://twitpic.com/9kk8j – Spider watching me drive #
- @AddoraLive Friend of mine was just telling me about new store she’d been to, and bought PVC corsetty thing. She’ll be back! Happy cust! #
- @PremierMikeRann add yourself to twittruth at http://twittruth.com/AddMe.aspx #
- http://xodzy.tk TwitTruth says I’m an ‘engager’ #
- @Tarale There’s a few people on there that obviously just use it because it’s the ‘in thing’ #
- RT @micknugent Religion: “The price man has to pay for being intelligent, but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough” – Aldous Huxley #
- @dansdata What bulk file copy util are you using? #
- @lindseylu Well it did distract me a bit, but I named him George. When a spider has a name it ceases to worry me. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-06
- Damn! Weather is really nice! What excuse do I have to do nothing now ! 🙁 #
- @donttrythis http://twitpic.com/9goxt – So jealous! #
- Being good and spending time tidying my kitchen #
- Shit, work just rang, and I have to go in and do software updates tomorrow 🙁 #
- @dhughesy http://twitpic.com/9hiob – I thought it was just MY cats who had this strange thing for sitting in my jeans while I’m on the loo! #
- Cocolate craving. It’s not wrong to eat coco pops at 11pm … is it? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-05
- @Poptartlr Damn boys! #
- @Tarale Join the club, I lost control of mine a month back and still haven’t reeled it in #
- @teamellyn Happy Birthday! #
- Back from Raph’s, might watch Valkarie tonight, I hear it’s not bad, for a Cruise film. Hopefully I can ignore that it’s him #
- Valkarie wasn’t bad, but the American accents annoyed me throughout. #
- @iPaulie yeah.. me too. BTW, Elvis Costello… big thumbs up. Haven’t heard new album though. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-04
- Woken at 6am! That’s illegal isn’t it? Had to get more sleep in car at work. #
- @donttrythis http://twitpic.com/982c7 – I’ve never HEARD of pulled pork, can you point us to a recipe? Preferably this one! #
- Saturday night…. what to do, what to do? #
- Groupwise 8 upgrade almost complete, a couple of little bugs and testing to do then I can go home! #
- http://ox1gl.tk – Damn fine sneakers, 116yrs old! Very nice, can I have a pair? #
- @Poptartlr That;’s just because you’re a social superstar! #
- @Poptartlr depends who’s on the couch 😉 #
- Checking out the awesome TweetCloud at TweetStats! http://bit.ly/177TJU #
- @iPaulie Yeah, there was another that ranked you for your location, but cant remember the url #
- @artistiquemeg http://twitpic.com/98egr – If it’s a good corset, definitely not! My GF has 3 or 4 and wears them all the time. #
- @adam1975 What’s up with the network stuff? I’ve been told I know what I’m doing , sometimes 🙂 #
- @brendanb That’s pretty nifty #
- I’m meant to be heading into the Tivoli tonight for a friend’s b’day drinks, but feeling tired after 2 nights of less than perfect sleep. 🙁 #
- @adam1975 WinXp and Vista? Do you have a switch or direct network cable? Have you turned of Windows Firewall? #
- Do they both have local IP addresses in the same range eg. 192.168.1.xx #
- Hey, err, wow. Somehow passed 200 followers without noticing. Welcome all, enjoy my twitterings (I hope) #
- @iPaulie yes, probably for the best 😉 #
- @adam1975 OK, you cant normally use a std ethernet cable to do this. Need a crossover cable, otherwise both are sending data on same pair #
- to check network address look at the network status of both pcs. I dont have an XP box in front of me so cant be more precise sorry. #
- @adam1975 No probs, i do this stuff for a living, happy to help. Good luck. #
- @Poptartlr well ask a computer guy… how can i help? #
- Dammit I’m broke and it’s a fiend’s b’day in town. But I just cant afford to go out. I have lots of DVDs.. any takers for a night in ! #
- @AddoraLive Site is looking good! #
- @AddoraLive often buy online. A box is nice and expectations exceeded with little gifts, cards etc. From germany, little bags of lollies! #
- Some company would be nice, but settling down to watch Blues Brothers instead. #
- @iPaulie he did??? I’d be excited. lol #
- Fuck I love the Blues Brothers. #
- @stewie__ Do you want to meet up for a photo shoot at the gaol? I haven’t shot there since a fashion show about 9yrs ago #
- @iPaulie Bruce Campbell … Buba Hotep ..I can say no more. #
- @radiostarelle http://twitpic.com/99o39 – I like… want one 🙂 #
- I was dead tired when i got home from work at 4. It’s now almost 1am and still not asleep. fuck. #
- @stewie__ I actually have a week off next week, so weekdays best for me. The fashion shoot was a fetish show, Quixotic Coiture. #
- @stewie__ Yeah sounds like it could be a plan. I’ll drop you a line with my email and we can work it out. #
- Night twitterverse, i’m curling up on the couch to crash and watch Blues Bros 2000 (dont think I’ll make it far in) #