- help desk today: “Keith is having trouble copying Audio CD’s – when he copies them they are unwatchable (the images are blurry).” #
- @Poptartlr Been feeling the same way for days. #
- @misstoriblack could anyone say no to a Skype call from you?? I think not! #
- More procrastinating, but tonight I’m doing it via some cleaning. This is good , yes? #
- @oliyoung Was the arse worth a look though? #
- @atub DId you get my Posty 360 photo, or do I need to post again? #
- Just ordered pizza from the awesome pizza place. Can’t really afford it, but, meh. #
- @Tarale Damn, I read that as DIRTY car window pictures… not ‘dirty car’ window pictures 🙁 #
- http://9ev9c.tk Here’s the ‘dirty’ artist’s site #
- RT @hugepedlar: a google search for ‘Squilokle’ returns 3 results, of which @MagpiePants is one. 😛 (Hilarious, love the word!) #
- @MagpiePants ahh You have a way with language 🙂 #
- morning world. tired. Tonight.. I’m sleeping in my BED. damn it. #
- AT last, Face Recognition in Picasa! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-28
- Feeling very out of sorts and just want to go home and curl up. #
- I think #isnack20 is going to be one of the shortest lived products Kraft ever produce. Don’t encourage them by following on Twitter! #
- @MagpiePants Just can’t trust those weather people 🙂 As long as it’s dry for the weekend! #
- @MagpiePants Shit! I’m on a 3 day scooter rally up to the Barossa! #
- @MagpiePants I ride a Vespa… own 3 actually, restoring one slowly. #
- http://sawdx.tk Homeopath jailed for daughter’s manslaughter. #
- @MagpiePants Yes indeedly you need to get yourself a good healthy dose of Douglas Adams! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-27
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-25
- @MagpiePants Excellent! Will see you there #
- @atub Will bring labels, maybe even a marker. #
- @Lilylauren I’m sure I know a few who’d enjoy something like that! #fetish #
- @xutraa mmmm cpcakes! #
- At the pub getting a bit messy before #ATUB see you all there #
- On my way. To #atub have labels. Oops missed tram 🙁 #
- Mmmm bacon. Maple syrup, pancakes, all good. #
- @premiermikerann come along to #atub and have a pancake with us! #
- Home after #atub good meetup, great people. See you all again sometime #
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-24
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-23
- @Tarale Depends on what @radiostarelle I’ve never been able to figure out what the body fat and water rates things mean, or which is which! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-22
- Just entered to win latex clothing from Blackstyle! Just follow @3xl and retweet. http://bit.ly/ePNlc #
- would rather be at homing designing LBP levels! #
- shit another night eaten up by LBP .. it’s addictive! #
- Bizarre ddrams last night, the building next door to work burnt down but some old black phones survived on a desk.. :~ #
- errr… dreams #
- http://xkk72.tk Red Sydney FlickR group, great photos of dust storm! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-21
- Did you miss me fellow tweeters? I have something new in my life… a PS3 and Little Big Planet… has kept me away from the comp for days! #
- http://u8f8i.tk hehe, clever (VID) #
- Just looked at bom.gov.au weather radar, NASTY storm heading in to Adelaide! #ATUB #adelaide #
- Why has my avatar disappeared 🙁 #
- Wish I had my camera with me, would love to go out and do some storm shots #
- @Aanyankah I agree! I love storms! That’s REAL weather 🙂 #
- @AddoraLive I think dolly might get a bit cold and wet out there today! Especially in that, shouldn’t she be in rubber 🙂 #
- RT Science is not an answer, it is a method of finding answers, a fact is a fact irrespective of our knowledge or understanding of it. #
- last RT was @hiabowman (It was too long ) #
- 7 days without a cig now. Mostly stopped coughing up black gunk. #
- http://eguvb.tk The Good, The Bad, The Ugly .. something a little different. (VID) #
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-16
- @stewie__ you and me both. #
- @MagpiePants Australian cricket team.. that’ll confuse ’em! #
- shit! It’s not my clutch that’s broken, it’s the gearbox, twice as much, and another week to fix! Not happy jan! #
- Day 2 of being a non-smoker again. Yesterday was my first totally smoke free day, though the past week has been VERY light for me. #
- of course car stress… damn I’d like one about now. Still, I’ve setup auto transfer, money saved in saving acct, motivation to stick at it. #
- http://jp8jv.tk For the critical thinkers (VID) #
- http://9kcnt.tk and another ‘Storm’ by Tim Minchin (VID) #
- This day is really dragging. I think my subconcious had been expecting to leave early to go get my car 🙁 #
- http://9sd8a.tk Cool time waster (GAME) #
Twitter Updates for 2009-09-15
- http://bno8h.tk Star Trek meets Monty Python – this is great! #
- http://jwk5l.tk and this… if you like They Might Be Giants (and science) #
- About to leave and pick up car, dreading the bill. #
- Just figured out why my blog wasn’t getting Twitter updates… changed my Twitter password didn’t I!!! #