- #nocleanfeed The government’s blocking list just added a pretty harmless porn review site! http://www.fleshbot.com is now blocked! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-24
- Watch The making of scene 400 on Vimeo! http://vimeo.com/5571034 #
- That last one isn’t mine, but big kudos to the guy who made it! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-21
- Watch Armadillo Scooterwear Tough Enough on Vimeo! http://vimeo.com/7538642 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-19
- Woken up with such a sore neck I can hardly move. 🙁 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-17
- http://is.gd/4WFg4 This is absolutely incredible! #
- http://is.gd/4WFuW WoW! Pissing myself laughing, but this is too incredible! Lyrebird at Adelaide Zoo #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-09
- For Star Wars uncut project I need 12″ Obi-Wan and C3-PO figures, can anyone help out? Loan? #adelaide #starwarsuncut #
- Plaster everywhere, building a set for star wars uncut clip. 15 days to go. #
- @iPaulie I’m re-creating scene 123. It has R2 and I have LOTS of R2 models, problem is it also has Luke, Ben and Threepio hmmm #
- http://twitpic.com/ovfcj Part way through building set out of chickenwire and plaster #starwarsuncut #
- @iPaulie Where did you make your avatar? I found one site, but it was cheesy 🙁 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-06
- @monnie 🙁 sad #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-04
- @Tarale Those Gel things for you wrist are BAD for ergonomics, not recommended! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-03
- #ADRD #Rollerderby Photos from the August bout are now online! http://www.flickr.com/photos/gomisan/sets/72157622599652881/ #
- @RubyTombstone http://twitpic.com/o0cs2 – I really like this. #
- Off to bed. Eyes popping out after touching up photos all night #