- Playing the new Mario Bros. Feeling crappy on multiple levels. #
- Watching 300 , it’s putting me to sleep! Sparta! #
- Just did some new graphics for my Jerky report site, would love some feedback. http://www.jerkyreport.com/ #
- @Aanyankah What’s your favourite brand? #
- @Aanyankah ahha! Yeah it’s been hard to find recently. My local has it, I have a bag of the hot right here! I’m finding better though. #
- I’m bloody starbing and have 4 bags of Jerky here I cant eat until tomorrow (tasting session with Raph!) FrustratinG! #
- errr… starving even. #
- @mpesce That would make a nice torrent 😉 #
- @Tarale Triangle Man #
- Meant to be finishing off photos, but started watching Kill Bill on Blu-Ray and can’t take yes off it #
- @missmonnie There’s no such thing… unless of course you’re somewhere like an elevator or confessional booth 🙂 #
- @missmonnie hehehe, err, yes there is that #
- @drearyclocks I faxed off my application, never heard back. #
- @drearyclocks Thought I had to apply first… did I misread something. damn. #
- @Aanyankah I like it! #
- @drearyclocks Paid via PayPal just now! #
- must. go. bed. #
- Lawn mowing day. Joy. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-04
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-03
- @chantelleaustin Well I love a squirter, but the answer is easy. Someone I love! #
- @missmonnie My favourite Vet in #adelaide is Stephen Tce Vet Clinic at St Peters #
- Just got home to find a big box of Biltong and Jerky from Barossa Fine Foods. Looking forward to tasting! #
- @gusk Yes, been mentioned on radio. #
- @ohindiegirl I like the hair, looks great! #
- @MagpiePants I don’t know, can depend on the club. I’m looking forward to It’s Tops! tomorrow night (DJ Ian) #
- @RubyTombstone lol, sounds like his afternoon may have closely matched mine, though I haven’t fallen asleep … yet #
- @MagpiePants It will be at Enigma, upstairs on the right, and Ian always plays at a decent level, never too loud. #
- http://is.gd/5aQcC Article about It’s Tops! New club tomorrow night! DJ Ian #
- @MagpiePants Go read the article I linked to… Ian plays Pop music, and that’s the best answer you’ll ever get. Jackson 5, Madness, Oasis #
- @MagpiePants Motown, Ska, Indie, Goth, Pop, Swing, Lounge, 80’s, 90’s if everyone will dance to it, he’ll probably play it. #
- @KateEllisMP Can you pick me up some Biltong while there, and sneak it past customs. 🙂 #
- @iPaulie You’re awake? Hit by a shoe perchance? #
- @iPaulie I almost always snooze after an afternoon beer. = win in my books! #
- @Tarale I’ve applied to join the Australian Pirate Party. Stand up against the Nannys, maybe the Gamers Party in SA ? #
- http://is.gd/5aUjb Nanny State! How can the FF party sneak this bullshit through!??? #
- Just got some unexpected money, 2 lots in 2 days! Bills can get paid and may go to JB and buy a treat (hmmm BluRay or Game?) #
- NOT HAPPY with JB HIFI , just bought new Mario for Wii, got home, and NO DISC! Now I have to try and get back there Saturday. #
- Do I watch my new BluRay or go to bed early and read, of the decisions !! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-02
- Very happy, web client just paid me. In cash. 🙂 #
- Can’t believe SA libs want to build a stadium instead of a hospital, what sort of fucked of priority is that?? #adelaide #
- oh, and anyone that wants a Google Wave invite.. I just realised I have 27!!! #
- @shaunau thanks for pointing out Barossa Fine Foods, they’re sending me some samples! #
- Off to the Tap Inn for drinks. #
- mmm 4 hrs sleep doesnt not awake make. Feeling pretty flat 4 other reasons too, news at 5. #
- Listening to DJ Ian on 3D Radio (93.7FM) #
- Hell yes, 3D Radio – Jackson 5, always guaranteed to get me dancing thanks Ian. (bopping at my desk) #
- #adelaide you should all be listening to 3D radio right now 🙂 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-01
- I’d never vote for a fringe climate change denial party., which is what the Australian Liberal PArty has now become #liberals #libs #fail #
- http://is.gd/58nur Join the Pirate Party and make the libs and labour walk the plank! #nocleanfeed #copyrightreform #
- I think I’ll join the Pirate Party, about time I did something about issues that are pissing me off. #
- @lick_skittles arrrr, that I do, and a fine hat as well. #
- @Tarale Why don’t you ring them before leaving to go in? #
- @Tarale That’s just STUPID! #
- @downunderchick Is anyone? #
- http://is.gd/58MzR Reviewed Nobby’s Beef Jerky today. It’s rubbish! #
- Ahh that’s better. After eating fake Jerky I just had the real deal and it was awesome!!!! no link this time, enough self promotion 😉 #
- I agree @RubyTombstone #abbottisadouche #spill #libsfail they’re a bunch of arguing schoolboys with no clue at all. #
- oh shit. I bloody well used the words “self promotion” in my Tweet and now the marketdroids are attacking!!!! Well fuck ’em !!!!! #
- @shaunau That’s exactly the sort of stuff I want to find and review!!! Any chance you can send me details? #
- @Camellia_S Have you read my reviews. LOL. That’s exactly what I was eating. yummmmmm http://jerkyreport.com/ Site I’m starting up. #
- @shaunau Yeah even that would be cool, I’m halfway to Gawler living here anyway. #
- @monnie Do you ever need fancy cake tins? Like powerpuff girls, or astronaught etc? I have some I may never use bought ages ago, new. #
- @kestra did they say who by? That’s a fav tune of mine! #
- @Camellia_S You can’t bring meat products into Australia. Very tough quarantine. #
- @Camellia_S Yeah even preserved. I think canned meat is an exception, but not sure. #
- @joshnunn That’s weird… i could have been reading my own Biography when i opened that page (except the husband/dad part) #
- @kestra thanks! #
- [Suicide Is Painless]: http://bit.ly/5hcdDa via @addthis (Thanks @kestra) Live on TripleJ #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-30
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-29
- Protein overdose. Just done my 3rd review for http://jerkyreport.com/ this time South African style Biltong. #
- @azp74 Me neither re tweetcloud, so I refused it access. Seen other clouds do the same without the need. #
- http://is.gd/56mwP #winabamboo Can I feed these to Wang Wang? #
- Wow, I never knew we had so many Beef Jerky brands in Australia. Can’t wait to try them all out! http://jerkyreport.com/ #
- @JonoH I hope it’s going down better than your jokes have been 😉 #
- @mistressmia Why? It’s a great movie. (if a tad long) #
- @teamellyn Drop me a DM and if I still have one I’ll send it to you. They’re not instant though. #
- @baxters Thanks for the tip about Beef Jerky, will have to get in there and sample it! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-28
- I love listening to the stormy weather outside, but bad for motivation. #
- @monnie At salisbury today? may drop in, buy books 🙂 #
- @posty http://twitpic.com/qgxq7 – I’ve always wanted to learn Esperento! I’ve read too many Stainless Steel Rat books! #
- @grantimahara http://twitpic.com/r8k9z – oh this is just WRONG! #
- Rain! Incoming! #
- @tikibartv TV-MA It is after all a show about alcohol! An adult subject, and why be constraine din what you can do or say! #
- I need about 5 people to add star ratings on each of my 2 blog posts to test a feature, help anyone? http://jerkyreport.com/ #
- @Aanyankah thankyou! #
- http://is.gd/54ZR5 Star Wars on Facebook, chuckle worthy indeed! #
- Playing Battlefield Heroes. #BFH #
- Hey! My first follower was @shaunau http://bit.ly/ffollower #
- This wind sounds and feels like it’s going to rip a roof or three off. #
- @allanmoran succumbed to answering the door? or to their dodgy deal? #
- @DanielLDavis Koala’s are NOT bears! Gee, how much CAN a Koala bear. #
- VIDEO: Adelaide’s amazing light show: http://bit.ly/6KLPdq via @addthis #
- @allanmoran Who was it with? I’m always wary, been burnt before with phone deals. #
- @allanmoran You took Optus internet over your Node connection then? Interesting. I have Telstra landline and mobile, but Node for net. SOHO. #
- HOLY SHIT the storm is hitting Salisbury hard! Rain pissing down! #
- Big tree down. Lights out lower north east rd #Adelaide #
- I’m amazed my shade sail has come off, this is a bloody windy night! #
- Hasn’t…. it hasn’t come off. #
- I’m awake, been watching Ronnie Barker for past hour or so. Lazy morning. #
- @Kitta Ahh the old cat staring in your face trick, very disconcerting. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-27
- @misocutesoup #atub yeah planning on going, but need to kill 2 hrs beforehand #
- My new blog/review site : Jerky Report http://jerkyreport.com/ Reviewing beef jerky one bag of dried meat at a time 🙂 #
- Anyone want to design/donate a suitable WordPress theme to Jerky Report? I’m thinking Wild West, Outback. DM me if you can. #
- http://is.gd/54zLg and my second Beef Jerky review. LOL. #
- Sorry I didn’t make it to #atub, drove past but really couldn’t be stuffed finding a park. In weird mood. #
- @misocutesoup The God Delusion is really good reading! #
- @misocutesoup Yep, and am about to borrow one of his other books. Can’t remember the title right this instant 🙁 #
- @JudyDeVille yay! #
- @aliyaki Slightly inebriated is exactly what I needed 🙁 maybe next week #
- Can a few people please go to http://jerkyreport.com/ and rate my reviews, testing a widget and need help. #
- @aliyaki You’re nuts, love it, sitting here pissing myself laughing. Really shouldn’t laugh at burning people. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-26
- http://is.gd/53UrA Fucking Brilliant. As usual. #27b/6 #
- @hannah_grenade Whats wrong with that! Sheesh, nephews are people too (or so I’ve heard) #
- @kestra what’s up with Mininova? working for me! #
- @kestra I take that back! OUCH! RIP Mininova. Glad I got my Mythbusters last night! #
- @kestra Sure does, will have to head to EZTV directly 🙂 #
- Anyone got any good torrent site recommendations. #ripmininova #
- @allanmoran yeah, comments on Mininova always worth reading, and site easy to navigate unlike most others. #ripmininova #