- http://is.gd/5nYHB An R18+ Classification for Computer Games – Public Consultation #
- Bugger, just watched Ep1-10 of Stargate Universe and next isn’t due until FEB!!! #
- @KateEllisMP Labour really missing the point and dropping the ball with Internet Filter. #nocleanfeed @PremierMikeRann @KevinRuddPM #
- http://is.gd/5od8i Contact details for every MP, invite them to Twitter, email them and let them know you’re angry. #nocleanfeed #
- http://is.gd/5odEQ Australian Electorates – contact your MP #nocleanfeed #
- http://is.gd/5odHh Don’t know your electorate? Search the here. #nocleanfeed #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-12
- Up, cat’s fed. Thinking about heading to Paramount Browns and Hindmarsh disposals, in a secondhand mood. #
- @MagpiePants LOL as long as I find a cheap Sulo bin I’ll be happy. Got bodies to dispose of 😉 #
- @kwak83 What EMo kid is actually going to do anything about it, they’ll just go home and cry on Live Journal. #
- @iPaulie Nothing wrong with a bit of Shirley Bassey, one of my most treasured 45s as I grew up was my Shirley Bassey Goldfinger one. #
- spent the night with mates tasting about 6 different types of beef jerky for my site #
- and beer, had to have beer. #
- @bethanie Happy birthday, even if it is some silly hour of the morning 🙂 #
- http://is.gd/5l0EE Mad Max Cosplay and they still insist on calling it Road Warrior 🙁 #
- @iPaulie MInder rocks! and did you watch Callan? #
- @spilth The girl at the end of that Mad Max clip.. very cute 🙂 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-11
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-10
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-09
- Writing review on the tastiest Biltong yet!! #
- Any wordpress whizkids out there? My site has stopped showing the full articles on home page 🙁 #
- Everything shows as an excerpt, and changing the setting in ‘reading’ doesnt fix it #wordpress #
- Found the problem, was a thumbnail plugin I’d updated today. Disabled now. #wordpress #
- @dansdata umm WTF? That’s got to be strangest ebay auction I’ve seen #
- http://is.gd/5gKiX Fracking Shiney!!! #
- @misocutesoup Might just do that, it’s pay bonus week, need to drink some of it! #
- http://is.gd/5gLUQ As recommended by fellow twitterer, Barosaa Fine Foods Biltong! Yumm!! #
- @shaunau Wrote up my review of the Barossa Fine Foods beef biltong, the beef jerky review is next. Really nice stuff!!! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-08
- http://is.gd/5fw8u Infographics – amazing and informative. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-08
- http://is.gd/5fw8u Infographics – amazing and informative. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-07
- @joshnunn Play Battlefield Heroes.. it’s free, and pretty good fun! #
- Just put up my Christmas lights, dodgy photo to follow soon #
- @joshnunn Shame. I’ve not had problems with Firefox, but 64bit I dont know. But I know how you feel, sometimes you just want to PLAY! #
- Shit. I’m tired, i think i’m going to bed. #
- My xmas lights, pretty slapdash. http://twitpic.com/sitzq #
- UK Man Builds Full-Size Dalek And Wonders Why He’s All Alone: http://bit.ly/8yz7RP via @addthis #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-07
- @joshnunn Play Battlefield Heroes.. it’s free, and pretty good fun! #
- Just put up my Christmas lights, dodgy photo to follow soon #
- @joshnunn Shame. I’ve not had problems with Firefox, but 64bit I dont know. But I know how you feel, sometimes you just want to PLAY! #
- Shit. I’m tired, i think i’m going to bed. #
- My xmas lights, pretty slapdash. http://twitpic.com/sitzq #
- UK Man Builds Full-Size Dalek And Wonders Why He’s All Alone: http://bit.ly/8yz7RP via @addthis #