- another week starts #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-16
- I favorited a YouTube video — 12X Blu-Ray Star Trek Phaser – Featured on HacknMod.com http://youtu.be/7S71mPJ0F0Q?a #
- dozing and watching cricket #
- looking forward to fet party tonight #
- @RubyTombstone Fetish 🙂 #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-14
- Can’t believe another week is almost over and so much still to do 🙁 #
- @fairls Traveling alone can be good, you’re own schedule. But it’s lonely, and I found myself wanting to share stuff with someone. #
- @PremierMikeRann What’s the big idea with this ill conceived R18 law? Nanny state gone mad. #
- I favorited a YouTube video — CL!CK: A LEGO Short Film http://youtu.be/OinrOnjzH_A?a #
- @MagpiePants with Paypal it depends on the method they are using to fund it. #
- @fairls that doesnt surprise me, they shrunk them a year or so ago. #
- @drtiki if you find a good banner ad plugin, let me know. looking for one myself! #
- @nicolepenney as good as a holiday? #
- I think a beer would be nice #
- Popping into an adult boutique and then not buying anything is frustrating…. #
- … but not as much as not having anyone to play with afterwards #
- @AddoraLive yeah beer is good 🙂 need it tonight. #
- is it wrong to want to cook and eat an entire ‘entertainer’ box of cocktail spring rolls and samosas? #
- Am having a look at using The Twit Cleaner http://is.gd/6bYET to clean the garbage from twitter #
- Early to bed, trying for a night where I am asleep before 2am! #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-13
- online plan calculator tells me that a $49cap on 3 Mobile is best value for me with $10/month for iPhone. #
- @Poptartlr How much does that plan cost/month? #
- @yellekau but they implied it 🙂 #
- @missmonnie yeah. I have a K850i and am on a Telstra plan at the moment but want a new phone. Android preferably, but maybe an iPhone. #
- @missmonnie no, K850i is a Sony Ericsson #
- @burningdeck what phone? what plan? Is the phone on contract or did you buy outright? #
- @burningdeck that’s what I hate about contracts, 2yrs with the same phone. (though I’ve had my current one for about that now) #
- @yellekau yeah but then they just give you same crap phone again 🙁 #
- If I didnt want a smart phone I could get a PS3, Xbox or PSP in a bundle from Optus ! #
- OK, Optus and Vodaphone have very comparable plans. (for iPhone) No one is offering HTC Hero on a plan. So Optus, or Vodaphone? #
- @MagpiePants SO diluted there’s probably less of active ingredient in distilled water! #
- @MagpiePants My ex is studying Homeopathy, the biggest single cause of all our arguments. Magic sugar pills and ultra diluted remedies arrgh #
- ok, gotta get some lunch. I’m dying here. #
- Didi anyone in SA government actually THINK before enacting this new R18+ law ? #adelaide #
- http://is.gd/6ajyX New R18 Film Laws PDF and Legislation info #
- R18 laws dont say you cant display non R18 in same area, so all you need is a sign and you comply. #adelaide #
- Does South Australian government think population is made up of kids? R18 film laws are a joke. #adelaide #
- @idrewthis yeah that’s my reading of the situation too. Can’t we just make a law to ban Family First, it would be more sensible. #
- Does this mean cinemas can’t advertise R18 films at all? Film trailers? on web? or are they just banned from putting up a poster? Silly! #
- enough ranting. Sorry folks. #
- @monnie I hope you don’t get individual replies from the whole internet 😉 #
- @Poptartlr thanks. I think I’m going to hold off a bit longer. Nothing today sold me on changing. #
- wow. 2 x new 22″ monitors. lovely 🙂 #
- @dansdata does this mean Dans Data will start getting articles again? Nov 5th is big hiatus! #
- Heading home, most unproductive day 🙁 #
- @misocutesoup not when they’re spent at work! #
- ok, that’s it, no more tweeting till I’m home. MUST leave my desk. #
- I favorited a YouTube video — 1964 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks http://youtu.be/Q07PhW5sCEk?a #
- @ATUB I vote for a Sunday arvo at Ed Castle, in the beer garden #
- my interwebs are crawling, gone way over monthly quota (and topped up twice already this month!) #
- @nicolepenney good eveing #
- in contrast to my day at work, i got home and mowed lawns, did edges etc. #
- Getting big snuggles tonight from my cat Rogue #
- http://bit.ly/7Jhnx0 I’m up for a fine of $785.60, must be a filthy bugger 🙂 (actually that’s pounds not dollars!) #
- I’m going to go eat and get myself some Borderlands action #
- @hussykitten follow them @eztv_it they tweet releases and those links are still working #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-12
- @ColonelLite I thought they were throwing the match as I watched. #
- I nominate @27bslash6 for a Shorty Award in #humor because… it’s fucking funny http://bit.ly/shorty #
- @monnie good choice, lovely lens #
- @Lilylauren hehe, they just swapped spots 🙂 #
- My list of jobs to get done before school goes back is depressingly long, and my offsider wont be back when planned either. #
- Having an energy report done on my house today, good excuse to head home early 🙂 #
- @fairls Me too. Though I have no idea when they start. 🙂 #
- Off home, have a good arvo tweeps #
- @iPaulie Is it disturbing that I find the burlesque Stormtrooper stripper attractive? #
- Anyone who claims to be bored, come over and play PS3/Wii and drink beer with me 🙂 #
- How would one go about identifying a tune and the artist playing on a website http://bit.ly/6ktQpM ?? #
- @fairls damn that room looks tidy :p #
- oops Ps3 Borderlands add-ons are going to wipe out my download quota 5 days early! #
- @hugepedlar Thanks! Guess iPhones come in useful for something after all 🙂 #
- Couldn’t make #socadl had home energy report being done. #
- @fairls no, don’t have an iPhone. But if Android phones continue to take so long to reach our shores I might have to give in 🙁 #
- Billie Holiday playing the background makes me think of Fallout, hmmm maybe I should get it for PS3 as well as PC #
- oops, a little late into work today. Gotta get out of bad holiday habits #
- OK, I think I’m going to give up on Android on Telstra hopes soon. Considering a move to Optus. Thoughts? People happy ? #
- @adam1975 Who would you move to then? and why? Trying to decide, iPhone or Android and best telco for whatever I choose. #
- @missmonnie and who are you with? What’s teh data plan like (if you have one) ohh and how did you go with the modem in the end?? #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-11
- been at work 3 hrs and this is the first I’ve been able to sit at my desk !! #
- @burningdeck and it’s got to be good for our bones! #fuic #
- @_alec_ ‘some’ places block web mail so they can keep copy of all emails, for legal reasons. But not common AFAIK. Where’s the new job? #
- @mpesce I find 3D hard on the eyes because the convergence point and the focus don’t always match what your eye wants to do. VR was easier! #
- @MagpiePants got a baseball bat, that’ll fix em #
- @VintageVandal You’ll need a WordPress template that is Adsense ready, or do your own template with appropriate areas #
- @Lilylauren couch cam 🙂 I like it. Used to have a 24hr cat cam, and fish cam setup. a few years back though. #
- OK, dont want to leave office for next 80mins, anyone got any time waster suggestions? #
- @misocutesoup I guess I could try both at once #
- @downunderchick score!!! #
- at 3 i have to leave my cool office and brave the heat to talk to someone who could have rung and asked questions. grrr #
- Heading outside, wish me luck #
- @fairls It’s hot, damn hot. Hotter than a snake’s arse in a wagon rut. #
- @misocutesoup I’m def planning on heading down to Kustom Kulture #
- Is it too early to get the hell outta here!? #
- home 🙂 there’s a lot of twittering going on today, took me 5 mins to catch up 😉 #
- going to enjoy another night of Borderlands mayhem. Too hot for a social life today. #
- Feeling good that I actually did a couple of household jobs tonight #
- Rammstein’s latest box set. Seriously NSFW, and a little pricey too. http://bit.ly/8iwAkx #
- @misocutesoup claws! #
- It’s still hot and sticky, but going to try and get to sleep 🙁 #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-10
- @evilpookie not so secret anymore. #
- @MagpiePants hey for some people $5 counts, and wasting time/money on something that doesn’t fit is bloody annoying. #
- I’m not feeling to good, and it’s nothing to do with the couple of beers I had last night. Stomach bug i think . 🙁 #
- @misocutesoup ahh bugger, THAT’S what it is. Damn that Alien queen #
- @UndressJess They’d need forcing? #
- @MagpiePants yeah, just my ex is a big ebay bargain hunter, and she always asks for measurements, too many things just don’t match size #
- Playing Borderlands, love the illustrated look, nice change from ultra realism. #
- mmm gaming. food, what’s that? #
- I have to go to BED!!!!!! #
- off to work. yuck. #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-09
- @hussykitten can’t see why lawyers should be intimidating 🙂 #
- http://is.gd/5W8p2 Interesting cupcakes. lol #
- @missmonnie PS3 is a good start, mine has served that purpose well. #
- @missmonnie let me know your player name when you set it up I’m buying Borderlands shortly #
- @missmonnie it’s really easy. Use a program called PS3 media server http://bit.ly/5Krwt happy to help if needed with finer config details #
- @monnie you up at Parabanks? need to head up for food 🙁 too hot. #
- note to self, don’t leave clothes on floor before washing. damn white tail spiders. #
- @misocutesoup lucky you! Wish I had a few days I didnt have to work in next week’s heat #
- @fairls front load definitely!!! and white is easier to clean 🙂 #
- @monnie see ya very shortly then #
- @missmonnie no probs #
- @monnie hey you looked ok 5 mins ago!! 😉 #
- @missmonnie umm, not sur about Twitter, FB yes. #
- ahh bugger forgot to grab fringe guide while out. #
- @misocutesoup #Fringe don’t miss comedian Mikel Bowley he’s my cousin 😀 #
- @MagpiePants I really should give him more plugs, but I’m slack and he’s just back from Canada anyway #
- Lego Universe http://bit.ly/8ZIFbQ Do I need to say more? #
- @missmonnie As long as your laptop and PS3 are on the same network it should be a no brainer. #
- @missmonnie oh, and follow me so I can DM you 🙂 #
- Just ate a Scotch Egg, yumm! Haven’t had one in years. #
- @misocutesoup who knows. Perhaps if am taking friends… no idea will ask 🙂 #
- yep, Michael Bowley (he sometimes used/uses Mikel) #
- http://is.gd/5WtO3 Holy Fuck this is Awesome! Hit Girl! #
- @xutraa It looks insane. A blend of japanese cult film and american big budget #
- I favorited a YouTube video — New KICK-ASS Red Band Trailer – Hit Girl http://youtu.be/IiaIbN-eltg?a #
- Installing Borderlands, anyone up for some Multiplayer tonight? #
- @iPaulie ba da bup bar, ba ba bar #
- @iPaulie I think we must have watched it at about the same moment #
- Picked up Death Proof on Blu-Ray today #
- Tempted to go to cheap shop and get $25 inflatable pool. #
- @monnie you knew it came in threes rigt #
- @aliyaki http://twitpic.com/xbgk2 – you look a bit dubious about it. #
- @aliyaki Sory, missed shops for buying cheap pool, or I’d invite everyone over for a soak #
- @misocutesoup <BIG HUG> #
- Really enjoying Borderlands, even if I’m hopeless with console controls in FPS #
- @iPaulie went the Siren #
- heading out, drinks then… wherever i’m invited 🙂 (or not, hehe) #
- @teamellyn hey, the Twitter world understands 🙂 #
- Get in car and on the radio… Heatwave #
- At party in maylands, may head into town later. dm me if want 2 catch up somewhere #
- Anyone out? I don’t want to go home just yet! #
- @misocutesoup then you need feeding 🙂 #
- Ok, about to pass point of no return on way home. Can anyone disuade me? #
- home again, home again, jiggedy jig #
- I don’t think much could really have dissuaded me from heading home, but now I’m here. I’m hungry! #
- I’m just a widdle bit tipsy still me thinks, should I play Borderlands or crash ? hmmmm #
- @iPaulie you still up. ffs :p #
- @iPaulie you and me both, but mine are over. oops. #
- Chips, microwaved pie and borderlands. #
- damn this weather, the spiders are coming inside 🙁 #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-08
- oops, slept in long enough it wasn’t worth going to work. #
- @fairls hahaha, they’re such unreliable things these body clocks. #
- @downunderchick Yes, as long as they’re watching it WITH you #
- @downunderchick Big W and Target have Wii stuff on sale at the moment. Catalogues been full of specials. (I price match at JB though) #
- @teamellyn what’s on Feb 13th?? #
- Wizard needs food, badly. #
- @misocutesoup well you can’t have one, it’s illegal to eat children #
- I really need to do about 5 loads of washing. But too hot to be fucked hanging it out #
- I favorited a YouTube video — I am Maru – The stunt cat (The melophonic remix) http://youtu.be/urizHysauG0?a #
- @downunderchick I go there to price match, it’s on my way home 🙂 #
- @adam1975 the ad got puled by the American bosses at KFC, so it won’t air here again. stupid really. #
- @downunderchick yep! and yesterday they matched the sale price on a Blu-Ray, and THEN still gave 20% off at checkout. #
- anything hapening tonight? feel like hanging out, beers etc #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Maru Greatest Hits V1 http://youtu.be/8uDuls5TyNE?a #
- oh bugger, i forgot it was #Schutzenfest today, oh well too hot, too expensive anyway. #
- and am going to hang out with @evilpookie, beer and chilli sounds perfect #
- Had an awesome night, friends, kittens, beer, chilli con carne and Tarantino’s Death Proof #
- @aliyaki did you find something to do in the end? #
- @smange agree entirely about the Paris metro, I destroyed a suitcase up and down those stairs. #
- @downunderchick Wii controller, could still be an excellent double entendre #
- @downunderchick HHS? Lost me there 🙂 #
- Such a warm night, seems a shame to be home now. #
- @downunderchick That’s OK, common around here I think 🙂 #
- I think i might settle on couch and watch Pan’s Labyrinth #
- night….. going to attempt sleep #
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-07
- The Parrot AR.Drone copters look incredible. Hope they extend support to Android and other platforms. #
- @GreatDismal The Parrot is just one step closer to more of your and Stephenson’s visions, I feel anyway. #
- @GreatDismal Street Uses, how about useful ones, inspection drone. Security patrol, no need to leave the car. #
- @ohindiegirl damn, enjoy! #
- @misocutesoup morning, what a plan! #
- @nicolepenney Dr Who stuff in city? Watchya talkin’ ’bout Willis? #
- booked tickets to see Avatar again tonight, last time I tried it was sold out when we got there. #
- @timdunlop Adelaide bands, The Seen, The Gaskats, The Phonics, Soulfinger, Son of Dad, Lucky Seven #
- @davidkudrev What is the gameplay like? Gotta say it hasn’t really caught my eye #
- @nicolepenney yes, it’s not silver at ALL. It’s mostly Nickel which is the most reactive metal, a lot of people get allergic reaction #
- @nicolepenney It’s often called Alpaca Silver or German Silver, it’s an alloy of copper and Nickel, sometimes Zinc too. #
- http://is.gd/5Q1WF (Nickel Silver article on Wikipedia) #
- @nicolepenney Very common in cheap jewellery from Argentina and other devoping countries. #
- @nicolepenney well.. yes. better to get someone to buy it for you 🙂 #
- had enough, heading home early today #
- @hugepedlar that sounds fun, I’d love to mess about with a project like that. I have white lab coat 🙂 #
- awesome blu-ray deal at JB HiFi, staff price matched to target, then 20% off at counter. District 9 cost me $24 #
- @hugepedlar hehe, that was a bit short! #
- @artistiquemeg http://twitpic.com/x0cki – Zelda t-shirt FTW !! #
- @urban_gypsy http://twitpic.com/x0c8d – mmm ropes, nice. Though, that could be a pic of me. Jacket, hair, beard, glasses, yep. #
- @meganintime I like them #
- nothing racist about KFC ad, supporter of one country amidst supporters of opposoing team. awkward is the word. #
- KFC withdrawing the ad is political correct reactionism at it’s worst. #
- Going to veg in couch for a while, Avatar later. Someone wake me in 3 hrs 🙂 #
- Home now, Avatar still visually awesome second time around 🙂 Story still as crap. straight 2 bed for me. night all. #