Author: Bigglesan
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-28
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-27
- I hate viruses! #
- Anyone still play Magic The Gathering? I have a LOT of old cards from the 90’s just reliving old memories 🙂 #
- My piston & cylinder are ready to be picked up. No idea when I’ll get a chance to rebuild vespa’s engine though. #
- That’s enough. I’m going home. #
- @dansdata Animating a Goodie is indeed a very important thing to do! #
- Making progress on the tidy up, need to go buy cigs though. grrrrr #
- Cleaning up photos from first fringe show, meant to be showing client Sunday! Shit! #
- Well that’s one Fringe show done. 50 odd photos touched up ready to show. Next show… 120 more to do.. maybe tomorrow? Very tired. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-26
- @sueissilly I procrastinate going to bed all the time, just another web page, read a bit more, another ciggie. etc. #
- @PremierMikeRann It’s great you Twitter, make use of all forms of interaction! Puts a human face on things. Yours are a bit stuffy though 🙂 #
- Getting very frustrated with ongoing virus probs at work. New variants just aren’t being detected. grrrrr #
- @tikilala a little light bondage is always fun 😉 #
- hehe, I got a personal note from our premier, what a nice guy 🙂 #
- Impressed that #MikeRann takes the time to Twitter, and respond personally. As long as he doesn’t get overloaded 🙂 #
- Love the new gaming themes for #iGoogle #
- Procrastinating. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-25
- mmm.. Hungry Jacks. Tasty #
- New photos, mainly just snaps on my Flickr page #
- Putting up lights, washing dishes. So much to do before Sat party. Twitter is a great procrastination tool 🙂 #
- Really should get a few photos sorted for people, but I’m sick of late nights. #
- @andrewsayer Happy birthday fellow twitterer #
- Another day starts at work. Plenty to keep me busy, but do I want to be? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-24
- @drtiki problems with TikiBarTV’s DNS records? Unable to resolve today! Authoritative server not giving out address. #
- @drtiki In Australia. Rang ISP, they said seemed 2 b some prob with the authority server, not letting their DNS retrieve/cache the address. #
- @neostatic Pikmin is cool, waited since Wii was released for that game! #
- @charlierobinson No hacker on twitter, just some system bugs they’re having. Follow EV, the CEO to keep up to date 🙂 #
- @Kitta I can see my GF having a thing with Miss B. too, would go very nicely with a certain PVC skirt! #
- Just home from dinner at Raffles, farewell dinner for my cousin Michael, moving to Canada! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-23
- Heading down to City Skoots to take Paul my piston & cylinder, more money I didn’t need to spend 🙁 #
- Bits delivered, hopefully in a week or so I’ll have them back and can put my vespa back together. #
- Will people stop twittering about Paris/France, I really want to go back this year but can’t afford it 🙁 #
- Irony: unpacking new weights bench with cig dangling from mouth. #
- @___Jennifer____ Chilli ones were always the best! #
- @davidkudrev Nothing like a bit of naked extreme node action! #
- Putting together home gym thingy…. pissed off that the weights and weight bar aren’t included. Bad ebay seller!!! #
- @___Jennifer____ mmm, well MUCH cheaper than shops. and it has other uses…. might never actually buy weights 😉 #
- Healthy dinner.. last night’s pizza. 🙁 #
- Clearing carport of all the junk. Sorting stuff is soo hard! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-22
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-20
Twitter Updates for 2009-03-19
- Currently Browsing: #
- Damn twitter spammers attack again. #
- Damn it, scooter seized on the way home. Just what I didn’t need. #
- Heading to best mates house , his dog just died, drinking is needed. #
- Listening to opposition treasurer on radio this morning, god he’s a dick. Blame blame blame, and trying to take credit where not due. #
- Foley on the other hand got some fair questions thrown at him, answered them well, but… #
- …then had a temper tantrum at the end and hung up on the interviewer, bad form mate! #