- Woken at 6am! That’s illegal isn’t it? Had to get more sleep in car at work. #
- @donttrythis http://twitpic.com/982c7 – I’ve never HEARD of pulled pork, can you point us to a recipe? Preferably this one! #
- Saturday night…. what to do, what to do? #
- Groupwise 8 upgrade almost complete, a couple of little bugs and testing to do then I can go home! #
- http://ox1gl.tk – Damn fine sneakers, 116yrs old! Very nice, can I have a pair? #
- @Poptartlr That;’s just because you’re a social superstar! #
- @Poptartlr depends who’s on the couch 😉 #
- Checking out the awesome TweetCloud at TweetStats! http://bit.ly/177TJU #
- @iPaulie Yeah, there was another that ranked you for your location, but cant remember the url #
- @artistiquemeg http://twitpic.com/98egr – If it’s a good corset, definitely not! My GF has 3 or 4 and wears them all the time. #
- @adam1975 What’s up with the network stuff? I’ve been told I know what I’m doing , sometimes 🙂 #
- @brendanb That’s pretty nifty #
- I’m meant to be heading into the Tivoli tonight for a friend’s b’day drinks, but feeling tired after 2 nights of less than perfect sleep. 🙁 #
- @adam1975 WinXp and Vista? Do you have a switch or direct network cable? Have you turned of Windows Firewall? #
- Do they both have local IP addresses in the same range eg. 192.168.1.xx #
- Hey, err, wow. Somehow passed 200 followers without noticing. Welcome all, enjoy my twitterings (I hope) #
- @iPaulie yes, probably for the best 😉 #
- @adam1975 OK, you cant normally use a std ethernet cable to do this. Need a crossover cable, otherwise both are sending data on same pair #
- to check network address look at the network status of both pcs. I dont have an XP box in front of me so cant be more precise sorry. #
- @adam1975 No probs, i do this stuff for a living, happy to help. Good luck. #
- @Poptartlr well ask a computer guy… how can i help? #
- Dammit I’m broke and it’s a fiend’s b’day in town. But I just cant afford to go out. I have lots of DVDs.. any takers for a night in ! #
- @AddoraLive Site is looking good! #
- @AddoraLive often buy online. A box is nice and expectations exceeded with little gifts, cards etc. From germany, little bags of lollies! #
- Some company would be nice, but settling down to watch Blues Brothers instead. #
- @iPaulie he did??? I’d be excited. lol #
- Fuck I love the Blues Brothers. #
- @stewie__ Do you want to meet up for a photo shoot at the gaol? I haven’t shot there since a fashion show about 9yrs ago #
- @iPaulie Bruce Campbell … Buba Hotep ..I can say no more. #
- @radiostarelle http://twitpic.com/99o39 – I like… want one 🙂 #
- I was dead tired when i got home from work at 4. It’s now almost 1am and still not asleep. fuck. #
- @stewie__ I actually have a week off next week, so weekdays best for me. The fashion shoot was a fetish show, Quixotic Coiture. #
- @stewie__ Yeah sounds like it could be a plan. I’ll drop you a line with my email and we can work it out. #
- Night twitterverse, i’m curling up on the couch to crash and watch Blues Bros 2000 (dont think I’ll make it far in) #
Author: Bigglesan
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-03
- @JudyDeVille Hey! Happy Birthday! Hope you’re having the most outrageous and fun time! #
- @Tarale There is another on Main North road, just past North Adelaide, but again still not western side of town, #
- Wow, hospital just called and gave me an instant booking for my sleep study! #
- http://e20f7.tk Gore – tick. Geishas – tick. Robots – tick. Japanese – of course! (VID) #
- Check this video out — [Trailer] Robogeisha http://bit.ly/vgyE7 #
- @iPaulie @marawitch You’re going to love this! Robo-geisha! http://www.robogeisha.com/ (Just posted Youtube link) #
- I gather it’s from the makers of Machine Girl (oh and those clips may be NSFW , ultra violence!) #
- @fulltimecasual Sounds like my old Tafe days at the Adel. TAFE, Kings Head next door had the same and we’d always be late back to lectures #
- Wow, hard to believe, but approaching 200 followers. Great to have so many cool people to twitter to. Hi everyone! #
- mmm donut! #
- http://tfm9j.tk Checking out new Gadget site, cross between social site and review site cool concept. #
- At the wakefield for a few last day of term drinks. #
- Home then off to hospital 4 my sleep study. #
- Lying in the sleep study ward bored out of my skull while i wait to get hooked up. #
- Pyjamas? What are they i normally just wear a smile! #
- http://twitpic.com/951ek – The sleep ward #
- Is it odd to be thinking about having sex in a sleep study. Something about the cameras and electrodes maybe? #
- I feel like a cyborg or something. Wires are everywhere. Lol #
- http://twitpic.com/958m6 – All wired up and ready to sleep! #
- I’m doing a sleep study, quite interesting, but wish my girlfriend was here 😉 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-02
- http://www.adelaidesolarcity.com.au/ – If you live in Salisbury, Playford, Tea Tree Gully or Adelaide council areas… check this out! #
- @azp74 The Wakefield is pretty good and only a mins walk away from the Market. #
- @azp74 oh and it’s right across from my work so I tend to frequent it on a Fri 🙂 #
- Retrieving a backup of my old Abandonwarez website, soem old gems I’d forgotten about! #
- @AddoraLive It definitely does! Leather2Flesh is the only real fetish centric store/site in Adelaide (friend runs it) #
- Games I’ve revisited today: Castles, Fantasy Empires, SWOTL, HHGTTG, Rampage. If you remeber, you’re as old as me 🙂 #
- @AddoraLive http://bsmak.tk Not sure if she still has a shopfront, last one lease expired and had to move. #
- @Poptartlr Classics all! Played any recently? I just found all three available on http://kqdea.tk #
- Fuck all sleep, at work, miserable as hell #
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-01
- Meetings, upgrades, techs onsite, it’s go go go, no time for frivolous twittering 😉 #
- Firefox 3.5…. not noticing anything much new yet #
- That’s it, end of another working day #
- @ChanelZampogna alcohol midweek… hey I’d be in for that. oh wait.. I was born in England. lol #
- Playing with FTP,motion detecting cameras and my NAS #
- Cool,motion detectionIP camera at home now uploads images to http://FTP. #
- I’ve been having a chocolate crisis… but.. I have Nutella! #
- @tuttle88 agree about Marmalade, glad someone else noticed it too #
- Put a puppet on it, it’s going to go viral. #spicksandspecks #
- @rebeccamezzino Vintage lego is great, but not cheap. I’ve bought a few old space lego sets myself. #
- @oliyoung I’ll vote for that! Gives us more #spicksandspecks !!! #
- Just finished NWN Hordes of the Underdark again, as always finishing a game is a bit of a let down, want the adventure to go on! #
- http://twitpic.com/8xtob – Cat on lap #
- http://twitpic.com/8xtq2 – And again… #
- @iPaulie Oh I like Resches , you just never see it here in SA #
- @ohindiegirl @chanelzampogna @AdamSatayer Sounds like you guys had a great night! What did Adam end up singing? #
- @Poptartlr Is it actually possible to stop a Siamese meowing? Cuddles seems to work well with my boys. #
- @Poptartlr Well it would be a fair swap, you’d get a 3 legged white fur dropper or a grumpy arthritic old man fur dropper in exchange. #
- @iPaulie I should have guessed you’d be a Newtown kind of guy! Some of my fav Syd shops there. #
- @Poptartlr Sounds like you have a deal, when are you picking him up? #
- night twitterverse #
- Getting signed up for new Electricity Smart Meter! Cheaper rates and free installation thru new gov scheme. very cool! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-30
- Why do all the girls who spot ceiling cat think it’s ‘scary’ ??? #
- @stewie__ Sorry mate, the 90mil is mine! all mine! mwahahaha #
- yay! I have some leave available! Looking forward to 5 days holiday next week! #
- @Acerebel People have coloured their avatars green to show support for Iranian protesters. #
- Just went to chinatown for lunch with TC, Laksa with dumplings was just what the doctor ordered! #
- RT @grantimahara Stella Ruby born 11:35pm 6/28/09, 42 hours of labor, weight: 8lbs 12oz. Both Kari & baby in good health. #mythbusterbaby #
- http://qn2qz.tk This is quite a nifty Twitter web app. #
- Thinking about whether I should wander down to newsagent and buy another lotto ticket 🙂 #
- The difference it makes to the odds of winning are so minute that I should prob save my pennies Also hate queuing for a ticket. #
- Caved and bought another ticket, a system 8. Bought it online, I am an IT guy after all! #
- and somehow made it home dry on my Vespa! #
- @posty You’re a Chinavasion fan as well then? #
- @posty Chinavasion is where you can the Dingoo you’ve been posting pics of. and lots of other very cool cheap chinese electronic gear #
- http://mt0es.tk Dingoo portable games machine #
- I wont be telling a soul if I win lotto, not until it’s in the bank anyway! #
- @posty Wow, they’re even cheaper. Wonder how other stuff stacks up. #
- proper job! #
- @oliyoung Looks like Pirate Bay sale may be legit, I follow the Tweets of one of them and he’s turned off his phone because of all the calls #
- @oliyoung Looks like i didnt win then 🙁 They dance around my numbers but nothing close. cries quietly. #
- @mistressmia The diamond pattern is very traditional, but there are a couple of designs with vertical knots, can you describe more? #
- @mistressmia The book “Showing you the ropes” has a rope corset that knots vertically. Search for shibari or kinbaku for lots of images. #
- @mistressmia Of course I’m no where near an expert. But i do know a couple of rope artists … if you need more help. #
- @mistressmia and lastly… I have photos from rope shows but no release from models, but could always do some just for you 🙂 #
- @mistressmia Well I have plenty of black rope 🙂 If you wanted to draw me a diagram of what you want i may be able to do a few photos. #
- @mistressmia of course I just like an excuse to tie someone up #
- @Tarale Use that crystal stuff, it does an amazing job of drying it up and removing smells #
- @mistressmia Not entirely sure what you’re describing. Did you find any pics with those keywords? #
- RT @mokargas cat catches bat http://ff.im/-4ChOB (This is very cool, clever cat!) #
- I’m definitely not an OzLotto winner. Normal life continues. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-29
- http://dansdata.blogsome.com/ For Raph … Metal spinning @revraph thanks to @dansdata #
- @MattTarrant Your link wouldn’t open 🙁 #
- Feeling proud, paid $10,000 off my home loan already, now owe less than house cost me 🙂 #
- @MattTarrant Yeah that worked, but wow, not the nicest thing, shock value alright! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-28
- http://is.gd/1gDVN This is sickening in a modern secular state #
- Home from catchup with family I haven’t seen in many years. Cat on lap very happy but I need to get outside and do lawn! #
- @Poptartlr Hey that’s OK. Was good to see you anyway 🙂 #
- @SkepticZone They even claim prevention of H1N1! Surely this is unethical if not immoral and illegal! http://bzchm.tk #
- On a cold night at home alone there’s not much nicer than a cat on your lap and a warm heater. #
- RT @Tarale World’s biggest alarm clock shakes you out of bed. This is what I need!! http://bit.ly/1F13l (me tooo!!!) #
- oh, and the guy in the video from that last post. World’s oldest virgin? Doomed to be forever single! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-27
- @urban_gypsy http://twitpic.com/6pibt – Lucky little bugger #
- @Acerebel Thankyou for the follow friday, I’m flattered. #
- Woken up from couch yet again, must be the gas heater that knocks me out 🙂 Not complaining, it’s arm! Now, get up properly? or nap more? #
- it’s arm? my excuse is I’m very groggy. Meant to say it’s warm! #
- @teamellyn You can have mine if you like, it’s just a very little one, only a few beers consumed last night. #
- Behind the scenes at Geekbrief.tv http://bit.ly/17viY2
nice kit! # - RT JonoH petition @KevinRuddPM to Abandon your plan to censor the internet: #GetUp http://act.ly/t retweet to sign #
- http://is.gd/1fdUv Real Michael Jackson corpse found – died 18 to 20 yrs ago! #
- @ohindiegirl Awesome clip you posted. Love that song: Vampire Weekend. Ca Plane Pour Moi. http://tumblr.com/xpt25xyjf #
- @wilw http://twitpic.com/7zj35 – Robotron.. excellent idea for my next server name. I’ve already got Zaxxon, Galaga, Arkanoid, Defender … #
- @azp74 How did that cake go? #
- @Poptartlr You’re bowling? I haven’t been for years! having fun? #
- @monnie Ohh shit!!!! There are some right bastards out there. #
- @azp74 Excellent! Well done, I’ll look forward to the recipe sometime 🙂 #
- OK, sitting at home playing NWN, but sort of feel like going out. Suggestions? invitations 🙂 #
- @stewie__ Yeah, thought about that, if I was heading in to town I’d take my camera. Not feeling inspired by anything nearby though 🙁 #
- I made it out of the house! Having a drink at the cranka to start the night off. #
- And i’ve ended up at Jive. A lot warmer than out the front of cranka 😛 #
- http://is.gd/1gaOw The Specials – Glastonbury ’09 oh how I wish I was there! #
- @tuttle88 1min to 4am here… 🙂 Home, had a good night out. Full on servo junk food. Time to crash. #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-26
- @Acerebel Agreed. At least with him dead he can’t do any more damage to people. (I hope!) #
- @CourtneyCrave Perhaps Paris Hilton can play Michael, she’s white and tasteless. #
- Any single geeks out there in Australia who want to be on telly? Beauty & The Geek has a casting call open! (I have details if you need) #
- @sueissilly *smack* #
- @Marawitch hey I was thinking about it too 🙂 The casting agent has rung twice! I think she was disappointed I said no, asked to spread word #
- Anyone for a drink after work? #
- @azp74 A chocolate stout cake? Sounds divine! Can you pass on recipe? I lost my german beer cake recipe 🙁 #
- @Marawitch thats a damn fine bag! #
- RT @HautTotes WIN A PURSE OF UR CHOICE! Sci Fi pinup chicks, armed & 1/2 naked! http://bit.ly/GwDky this or another, 277th RT wins #
- @Poptartlr I don’t think so 🙁 Should though! Want her email address to ask ? hehe #
- I could have done with a drink or three tonight #
- RT@serafinowicz Exposure to sunshine, moonlight and good times ruled out: now coroners say cause of death was ‘boogie’. (via @Marawitch ) #
- Heading to Raph’s to drink beer and talk shit #
Twitter Updates for 2009-06-25
- @Poptartlr Too cold to be naked, OH&S issues with poking people’s eyes out with nipples too! #
- @AddoraLive May I ask, how did you start? Savings or a loan for the business? #
- I’ve just had to design new office for colleague, but the space assigned is tiny, poor guy is going to feel like a sardine #
- http://6y4be.tk Big Buck Bunny – fantastic animated short! #
- Take a stand against net censorship and lack of R ratings for games, email, twitter and phone your MP, premier, and Rudd! #
- Does anyone have a list of Labor politicians with Twitter accounts? #
- RT @NewtonMark @ashermoses: Web filters to censor video games – http://bit.ly/WL9Ji #nocleanfeed #
- @iPaulie Yeah I sent a direct message of to Kate Ellis and Mike Rann, the guy should be in Family First not labor with his attitudes. #
- @Marawitch I know…. but I’m so bad at actually sitting down and writing and then remembering to post #
- Let Michael Atkinson M.P., Attorney-General of SA know how you feel about his attitudes towards adult gamers and our right to choice! #
- @PremierMikeRann Hey Mike, can you have a chat with Michael Atkinson and let him know that gamer demographic are adults! We vote! tnx mate #
- http://bg4cg.tk Contact details for Michael Atkinson. Email, post etc #
- http://covfm.tk South Australian ministers, write to your local today! #
- OK, enough of that from me. I need a smoke and am out of cigs. Heading home. Will write emails tomorrow, not just twitters. #
- Fibre has been cut to my exchange! No node at home :'( #
- And my 3 mobile broadband isn’t getting a 3G signal! 🙁 #
- @ReverendRaph Good to hear mate! #
- Kids at school are chanting “Michael Jackson’s Dead!” (guess they don’t know who Farrah Fawcett is!) #
- @Marawitch Zombie Michael J. http://ismichaeljacksonazombieyet.com/ #