- I’ve used http://www.belowtheline.org to create my voting ticket, check it out! http://bit.ly/csgaQ9 #
- Bad link in my last tweet.. and shame on @idrewthis for a retweet without checking. the correct link is http://www.belowtheline.org.au #
- and my personal ticket, if you’re interested is: https://www.belowtheline.org.au/editor.html#sa-FEwxhijstuvKJHGLMopklcdeDCBAmnyzfgqrabPONI #
- @_Kel_ Yumm! I’d love to try those! http://twitpic.com/2dju5a #
- I chipped in 2 tell @TonyAbbottMHR: uphold ur promise and meet w refugees. Help @GetUp send him a msg he can’t miss http://is.gd/ec9FJ #
- I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Cruz with Ball, the ball wins at the end!!! http://youtu.be/emxI-nRGWBE?a #
- This is great, an intelligent animal like a horse needs toys! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn3UxlPIJhg #
- A leg humping by Drew, I’m jealous! #spicksandspecks #
- ALP time warp ad is brilliant!!!!! #austvotes #
- I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Gruen Nation | Ep. 3 | The Pitch: Republic of Everyo… http://youtu.be/O4jI1atQwp4?a #
- I’m on a twitter revival! #
- @oliyoung Congratz on the job #
- Well if anyone’s reading, goodnight all. Enjoyed all your tweets tonight, made me feel less home alone. #