- Can’t believe another week is almost over and so much still to do 🙁 #
- @fairls Traveling alone can be good, you’re own schedule. But it’s lonely, and I found myself wanting to share stuff with someone. #
- @PremierMikeRann What’s the big idea with this ill conceived R18 law? Nanny state gone mad. #
- I favorited a YouTube video — CL!CK: A LEGO Short Film http://youtu.be/OinrOnjzH_A?a #
- @MagpiePants with Paypal it depends on the method they are using to fund it. #
- @fairls that doesnt surprise me, they shrunk them a year or so ago. #
- @drtiki if you find a good banner ad plugin, let me know. looking for one myself! #
- @nicolepenney as good as a holiday? #
- I think a beer would be nice #
- Popping into an adult boutique and then not buying anything is frustrating…. #
- … but not as much as not having anyone to play with afterwards #
- @AddoraLive yeah beer is good 🙂 need it tonight. #
- is it wrong to want to cook and eat an entire ‘entertainer’ box of cocktail spring rolls and samosas? #
- Am having a look at using The Twit Cleaner http://is.gd/6bYET to clean the garbage from twitter #
- Early to bed, trying for a night where I am asleep before 2am! #