- @hussykitten can’t see why lawyers should be intimidating 🙂 #
- http://is.gd/5W8p2 Interesting cupcakes. lol #
- @missmonnie PS3 is a good start, mine has served that purpose well. #
- @missmonnie let me know your player name when you set it up I’m buying Borderlands shortly #
- @missmonnie it’s really easy. Use a program called PS3 media server http://bit.ly/5Krwt happy to help if needed with finer config details #
- @monnie you up at Parabanks? need to head up for food 🙁 too hot. #
- note to self, don’t leave clothes on floor before washing. damn white tail spiders. #
- @misocutesoup lucky you! Wish I had a few days I didnt have to work in next week’s heat #
- @fairls front load definitely!!! and white is easier to clean 🙂 #
- @monnie see ya very shortly then #
- @missmonnie no probs #
- @monnie hey you looked ok 5 mins ago!! 😉 #
- @missmonnie umm, not sur about Twitter, FB yes. #
- ahh bugger forgot to grab fringe guide while out. #
- @misocutesoup #Fringe don’t miss comedian Mikel Bowley he’s my cousin 😀 #
- @MagpiePants I really should give him more plugs, but I’m slack and he’s just back from Canada anyway #
- Lego Universe http://bit.ly/8ZIFbQ Do I need to say more? #
- @missmonnie As long as your laptop and PS3 are on the same network it should be a no brainer. #
- @missmonnie oh, and follow me so I can DM you 🙂 #
- Just ate a Scotch Egg, yumm! Haven’t had one in years. #
- @misocutesoup who knows. Perhaps if am taking friends… no idea will ask 🙂 #
- yep, Michael Bowley (he sometimes used/uses Mikel) #
- http://is.gd/5WtO3 Holy Fuck this is Awesome! Hit Girl! #
- @xutraa It looks insane. A blend of japanese cult film and american big budget #
- I favorited a YouTube video — New KICK-ASS Red Band Trailer – Hit Girl http://youtu.be/IiaIbN-eltg?a #
- Installing Borderlands, anyone up for some Multiplayer tonight? #
- @iPaulie ba da bup bar, ba ba bar #
- @iPaulie I think we must have watched it at about the same moment #
- Picked up Death Proof on Blu-Ray today #
- Tempted to go to cheap shop and get $25 inflatable pool. #
- @monnie you knew it came in threes rigt #
- @aliyaki http://twitpic.com/xbgk2 – you look a bit dubious about it. #
- @aliyaki Sory, missed shops for buying cheap pool, or I’d invite everyone over for a soak #
- @misocutesoup <BIG HUG> #
- Really enjoying Borderlands, even if I’m hopeless with console controls in FPS #
- @iPaulie went the Siren #
- heading out, drinks then… wherever i’m invited 🙂 (or not, hehe) #
- @teamellyn hey, the Twitter world understands 🙂 #
- Get in car and on the radio… Heatwave #
- At party in maylands, may head into town later. dm me if want 2 catch up somewhere #
- Anyone out? I don’t want to go home just yet! #
- @misocutesoup then you need feeding 🙂 #
- Ok, about to pass point of no return on way home. Can anyone disuade me? #
- home again, home again, jiggedy jig #
- I don’t think much could really have dissuaded me from heading home, but now I’m here. I’m hungry! #
- I’m just a widdle bit tipsy still me thinks, should I play Borderlands or crash ? hmmmm #
- @iPaulie you still up. ffs :p #
- @iPaulie you and me both, but mine are over. oops. #
- Chips, microwaved pie and borderlands. #
- damn this weather, the spiders are coming inside 🙁 #