- Anyone in Salisbury area in the mood to see Avatar tonight in 3D? #
- @iPaulie Yeah I was going to avoid it, story looks crap, but am taking YOUR word that its worth watching! #
- On aBC1 now! Richard Dawkins. Shit, didnt know this was on! #
- @iPaulie lol (hey got free tickets to Zombieland too, any good?) #
- @iPaulie yeah? shit!!! well if you were here I’d have 2 freebies 4 u. sorry. 😉 #
- Interesting interview with Richard Dawkins, but then Andrew Denton almost always does interesting interviews. #
- Lov the straight face when he asked ‘ What Star Sign are you?” classic 🙂 #
- @RichardWiseman Soccer ball was a very quick find. Took less than 30secs! #
- Sitting in almost empty cinema, just the way i like it. #
- OK. Like. Wow! Avatar. 3D. Plot.. meh. Next level in visual effects, incredible. #
- @Aanyankah NO, didn’t know that, thanks for the heads up. #
- mm Iced Coffee and some chewing gum, that’s a healthy start to my day #
Month: December 2009
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-19
- mmm munching on Biltong from BIG bag of samples sent to me! #
- Eating Biltong and Jaffa cake biscuits, Iced coffee on hand. Watching cricket, sorting/editing photos. #
- @misocutesoup It’s background noise at the moment. Been reading all day. #
- @misocutesoup Just once? lol I get told I like the boring sports, cricket and F1 #
- @teamellyn Yes, choc orange jaffa cake with the soft biscuit. Local continental Deli has them , yumm!!!!! #
- @MagpiePants I think the lights are off at 11 or so. I should ask my dad, he’s manning the BBQ thought about going up myself. #
- @MagpiePants From Kent town go up Magill rd, easy, follow signs to Lobethal. #
- @MagpiePants Who needs a map when you have Twitter help. LOL #
- @mokargas agree on worst week. no cash, break up yep. this sucks. #
- @MagpiePants Yeah I wasn’t in mood for the drive by myself. #
- night peeps #
- best Rage ever, been playing my favourite songs since it started!!! Now playing GhostTown by The Specials. No sleep for me! #
- Who IS this woman hosting RAGE? Impeccable taste in music! #
- and now The Cramps, RAGE just isn’t putting a foot wrong tonight! #
- lol their blurb says “it will be a mix to appeal to eclectic tastes” I disagree, I’m not eclectic, am I?? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-17
- Have a free ticket to Zombieland, anyone want to come with? #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-16
- tore a chunk out of my foot in the pool this afternoon, t-shirt + packing tape = bandage to drive home. #
- I should have photographed my foot, looked quite amusing. Home now and taped up properly. #
- Just wrote a long email to 4 local politicians, and also used Getup website to send a fax to Conroy #nocleanfeed #
- @missmonnie Nah you wont, just feels like that occasionally. Plenty of good guys,be prepared to wait or you’ll take 1st asshole that appears #
- @Lilylauren Beverly Hills Cop fans? #
- http://is.gd/5pI2B Guide to writing to Ministers. Worth reading!! #nocleanfeed #
- Thunder is awesome!! #
- Off to bed folks, enjoy the storm! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-15
- http://is.gd/5nYHB An R18+ Classification for Computer Games – Public Consultation #
- Bugger, just watched Ep1-10 of Stargate Universe and next isn’t due until FEB!!! #
- @KateEllisMP Labour really missing the point and dropping the ball with Internet Filter. #nocleanfeed @PremierMikeRann @KevinRuddPM #
- http://is.gd/5od8i Contact details for every MP, invite them to Twitter, email them and let them know you’re angry. #nocleanfeed #
- http://is.gd/5odEQ Australian Electorates – contact your MP #nocleanfeed #
- http://is.gd/5odHh Don’t know your electorate? Search the here. #nocleanfeed #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-12
- Up, cat’s fed. Thinking about heading to Paramount Browns and Hindmarsh disposals, in a secondhand mood. #
- @MagpiePants LOL as long as I find a cheap Sulo bin I’ll be happy. Got bodies to dispose of 😉 #
- @kwak83 What EMo kid is actually going to do anything about it, they’ll just go home and cry on Live Journal. #
- @iPaulie Nothing wrong with a bit of Shirley Bassey, one of my most treasured 45s as I grew up was my Shirley Bassey Goldfinger one. #
- spent the night with mates tasting about 6 different types of beef jerky for my site #
- and beer, had to have beer. #
- @bethanie Happy birthday, even if it is some silly hour of the morning 🙂 #
- http://is.gd/5l0EE Mad Max Cosplay and they still insist on calling it Road Warrior 🙁 #
- @iPaulie MInder rocks! and did you watch Callan? #
- @spilth The girl at the end of that Mad Max clip.. very cute 🙂 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-11
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-10
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-09
- Writing review on the tastiest Biltong yet!! #
- Any wordpress whizkids out there? My site has stopped showing the full articles on home page 🙁 #
- Everything shows as an excerpt, and changing the setting in ‘reading’ doesnt fix it #wordpress #
- Found the problem, was a thumbnail plugin I’d updated today. Disabled now. #wordpress #
- @dansdata umm WTF? That’s got to be strangest ebay auction I’ve seen #
- http://is.gd/5gKiX Fracking Shiney!!! #
- @misocutesoup Might just do that, it’s pay bonus week, need to drink some of it! #
- http://is.gd/5gLUQ As recommended by fellow twitterer, Barosaa Fine Foods Biltong! Yumm!! #
- @shaunau Wrote up my review of the Barossa Fine Foods beef biltong, the beef jerky review is next. Really nice stuff!!! #
Twitter Updates for 2009-12-08
- http://is.gd/5fw8u Infographics – amazing and informative. #