- RT @abcnews: From Lord of the Rings to knight of the realm for Peter Jackson http://bit.ly/53oxyK (and don’t forget Bad Taste!) #
- @hussykitten Well according to the Facebook event.. 510 other people! Shotz will be a little crowded. lol #
- Was almost ready to walk out the door… and then realised I still have an hour or more to kill. Time fail. #
- About to brave the heat, wish me luck! #
- @hussykitten unfortunately i don’t think i’ll be getting kisses tonight.. Wrong party 4 that 🙁 #
- Party seems to be picking up but i still know no one! Getting chilly too! #
- Ok, new years kiss required. Ladies, you have less than 2hrs to get to henley beach. 😉 #
- Happy new year everyone #
- It’s all reggae from bar next door here. Love it. #
- Just realised, i think i an very drunk #
- @fairls no, Damnit 🙁 just drunk and watching the waves roll in. #
- @fairls aww shucks, thankyou 🙂 #
- @fairls no pickups for me, but I did have a midnight swim at the beach #
- mmm, i can feel an iminent hangover. night all, happy 2010, thanks for the thoughts, commenst and tweets #
- i just need something to eat b4 I crash… but WHAT???!! #
- @burningdeck me. fuck. #
- @Tarale tooo hard, 2min noodles methinks #