- One thing i came to the market for… Sold out. Fuck! #
- @misocutesoup @shaunau yeah I was getting some Biltong for a South African friend 🙁 going to try one of their other outlets now. #
- Finally! Shopping done. Biltong found! #
- yikes, time running out! #
- @hussykitten That sounds pretty cushy 🙂 #
- @misocutesoup yeah.. err, something like that! #
- @kwak83 hey I didnt know you’d seen me in a skirt! ! #
- OK, some gifts and tomorrows lunch are just going to have to be done later tonight when i get home! #
- @bethanie I did pretty much the same thing, last minute dash, all done in 2 stores. #
- @AddoraLive Just saw your comment 🙂 I dont have anyone to play with at the moment, so not right sort of gifts :\ Merry Xmas to you! #
- Now to start cooking and finish wrapping #