- @Poptartlr Too cold to be naked, OH&S issues with poking people’s eyes out with nipples too! #
- @AddoraLive May I ask, how did you start? Savings or a loan for the business? #
- I’ve just had to design new office for colleague, but the space assigned is tiny, poor guy is going to feel like a sardine #
- http://6y4be.tk Big Buck Bunny – fantastic animated short! #
- Take a stand against net censorship and lack of R ratings for games, email, twitter and phone your MP, premier, and Rudd! #
- Does anyone have a list of Labor politicians with Twitter accounts? #
- RT @NewtonMark @ashermoses: Web filters to censor video games – http://bit.ly/WL9Ji #nocleanfeed #
- @iPaulie Yeah I sent a direct message of to Kate Ellis and Mike Rann, the guy should be in Family First not labor with his attitudes. #
- @Marawitch I know…. but I’m so bad at actually sitting down and writing and then remembering to post #
- Let Michael Atkinson M.P., Attorney-General of SA know how you feel about his attitudes towards adult gamers and our right to choice! #
- @PremierMikeRann Hey Mike, can you have a chat with Michael Atkinson and let him know that gamer demographic are adults! We vote! tnx mate #
- http://bg4cg.tk Contact details for Michael Atkinson. Email, post etc #
- http://covfm.tk South Australian ministers, write to your local today! #
- OK, enough of that from me. I need a smoke and am out of cigs. Heading home. Will write emails tomorrow, not just twitters. #
- Fibre has been cut to my exchange! No node at home :'( #
- And my 3 mobile broadband isn’t getting a 3G signal! 🙁 #
- @ReverendRaph Good to hear mate! #
- Kids at school are chanting “Michael Jackson’s Dead!” (guess they don’t know who Farrah Fawcett is!) #
- @Marawitch Zombie Michael J. http://ismichaeljacksonazombieyet.com/ #