- Twitter not posting my tweets from web. 🙁 #
- http://ihnj1.tk Great idea needs publicity! if you need something done, try here! #
- RT @RichardWiseman Just posted: Chiropractic evidence: The curious case of the missing study http://iga47.tk #
- Thank Mercury for Twitterbar, or I’d be without Tweets today! (Prize to those who lknow why I chose Mercury.) #
- @drtiki encoding it? When will we see it online, suffering TikiBar withdrawals! Love you work. #
- @donttrythis Curious… has Kari Byron popped yet? Surely with the lag between filming and reality she’s be due/past due? #
- @tuttle88 I just asked Adam Savage.. maybe he’ll even reply! #
- @tohbee Close…. Messenger god 🙂 #
- http://3uyd1.tk WOW! Just been watching new Torchwood trailers and it looks awesome! #
- @AddoraLive How much are they, I think it’s time I bought someone a present I can enjoy too 🙂 #
- Catching up on back episodes of Geekbrief.tv #
- Does anyone else use Miro to watch podcats? If I let a video play to the end it crashes! But is fine if I stop it a second before 🙁 #
- Woohoo! RT @tikibartv Tiki Bar TV Episode 44: Gypsy http://cli.gs/E9WbR #
- @CaliLewis What happened to brief #582 ? #
- Loved the new TikiBar TV episode. cocksucker. #
- My new 50mm lens has arrived ! Off to pick it up this afternoon. Some nice bright glass for my D90 #
- @lindseylu What is your bumper sticker?? #
- @adam1975 The f1.8 .. couldn’t afford the 1.4 and if I really need glass that fast I have an older Nikkor 50mm f1.2 I can use. #
- @lindseylu Love it! #
- @_alec_ Yeah FlashForward looks like it has a lot of potential, can’t wait! #
- Just added a LOT of DVDs to my database with my new barcode scanner, makes it quick and easy! #
- My name is on the LRO on it’s way to the moon. I’d forgotten I’d signed up for that 🙂 #
- Watching NASA LRO mission live : http://bit.ly/NFN6T #
- http://twitpic.com/86f90 – DVD’s i’ve added tonight! #
- Experimenting with my new 50mm. Need to take it walkabout one evening in town. #
- Forgot all about buying a lottery ticket 🙁 #
- http://is.gd/1a78R 50mm test shots #
- @stewie__ Nice! I love the muted yellows against the blue. #
- @stewie__ Not as much as I should. Terribly slow getting ones I do take online. Still have photos from France I need to u/l. You use Flickr? #
- @stewie__ I’ve tried a few online albums, FlickR is definitely best (IMHO). Go for it, I always like to see more peoples photos! 🙂 #
- I’m taking my camera to work tomorrow, make some time after work to go for a walk in town and take some shots with my 50mm #
- http://is.gd/1aaOr Amazing image from Space Station of volcano erupting. #
- Promised myself an early night, so I really should get off to bed. Night twitterverse! #