- In really good mood today. Feeling great! #
- Amazing world resposne in Social Media to #iranelection http://mashable.com/2009/06/17/iranelection-crisis-numbers/ #
- IE8 only? Microsoft this is bullshit! http://www.microsoft.com/australia/ie8/competition/ @tengrand_IE8 #
- @donttrythis I hope so! Why tolerate such bullshit! #
- http://72y9x.tk This emerging debate in the comments with conspiracy nut ‘Neil’ is great reading #
- Did you know that Twitter may only give access to your most recent tweets? http://backupmytweets.com/ #
- Off to see a specialist about my snoring (which is so quiet my cat purrs louder!) but TC sleeps VERY lightly. #
- Just been to see a specialist about my snoring, I have 3 obstructions and have to go do a sleep study! #
- @monnie http://twitpic.com/7p08b – Looks great! #
- Found out my hospital cover wont cover the sleep study unless it’s in a public hospital 🙁 #
- @Marawitch Be careful! There’s talk the update can brick your phone! #
- It’s cold! and I’m all talked out after delivering new PC and running through features etc for almost 3 hrs. #
- @donttrythis That’s a great song, and very cool thing to be in. Even if you are the drowning nerd. hehehe #
- @Marawitch Is that 2 nights in a row with the sherbet? #