- Happy with my new Acer NAS, currently FTP into it and uploading stuff from my work PC. #
- RT @andrewsayerMoan My IP: http://www.moanmyip.com/ (Safe-ish for work) #
- http://twitpic.com/7ixem – Ceiling cat is in our office watching us work. #
- http://9jvcy.tk Make your own ceiling cat! #
- @Tarale I read yesterday that changes made using Safari may not stick with the billion, but Firefox works. 9and I guess IE) #
- http://id43k.tk Images from Iran. #
- Home at last. The drive is so tedious, but at least I have a choice of car/scooter I guess. Better than public trans! #
- Trying again with the derby photo upload to Flickr. Hasn’t crashed yet! #
- http://is.gd/13k6n #ADRD Roller Derby Bout 4 photos! #
- @AddoraLive Yours sounds like dream job 🙂 #
- RT @dansdata In Your Heart, You Know It’s Flat: … http://tinyurl.com/npu2fj (I love Dan’s writings and this is one of his best!) #
- Is the #Iranelection the biggest Trending topic on Twitter ever? Would be interested in seeing combined stats on the topic! Amazing. #
- @Tarale I cant say “phenomenon” for the life of me, but I’ve always said…anthropomorphise (hmmm) #
- http://is.gd/13pqp #iranelection cyberwar guide for beginners #
- Stuck in traffic, accident on king william st. 25mins from north Adelaide and still not at nth Tce. #
- Wow, took 52mins to go 1.5km along King William Rd into the city today! A new record. #
- @minka Yeah I was stuck in the traffic before I heard a road report. Though my SMS was read on radio 🙂 #
- @sueissilly What IS a flapper on a toilet? #