- http://o22uc.tk This is the sort of tips and encouragement I need! #
- @monnie Slept like a log. But then, I always do. #
- @Poptartlr I like your new avatar photo. #
- http://ca0xz.tk This ones for Raph…. #
- http://e89pk.tk French scenes from my mum #
- @Tarale I sell Billions, not an expert but if you give me a run down I may have some ideas. #
- @Tarale What mac O/S version are you running? I gather there were some issues with OS X 10.5.2. Also what Wireless standard? G or N #
- @Tarale Would a dedicated wireless AP help? I probably have one lying about. #
- @Tarale mm, but is the Linksys an AP, or a Wireless modem that you’re trying to coerce into playing AP? #
- @Tarale I’ll respond on Whirlpool #
- @raven_wyld Shit, that’s just bloody silly. 🙂 #
- A couple more eBay goodies arrived today, only just made it to the Post office, they had to hand me my parcels under the roller shutters! #
- @Marawitch YOu can check your derby name here: http://bit.ly/10VQZC #
- Uploading over 500mb of Derby photos to Flickr. All from Bout 4, Salty Dolls vs. Roadtrain Rollers. #ADRD #Rollerderby #
- oops FlickR uploader didn’t like doing a batch that big. Think I’ll go to bed and try again tomorrow. #