- Home from Tania’s derby was great yesterday, as was the after party! GOing to try and get backlog of photos online tonight. #
- @iPaulie I’ve been editing the video of a Fringe show, Kinky Kaos. 3 cameras worth of video from 2 nights. All done now. phew. #
- @nikc They’re some really interesting stats! Looks like some people perform better than they’re given credit for (and the converse) #
- http://is.gd/11pc8 Me at the Roller Derby #
- @nikc Of course. Would love to see a season breakdown. #
- http://is.gd/11uGx Pics of Iranian election aftermath. Terrible scenes. #
- @Marawitch http://twitpic.com/79lvq – hehe is that a Salty Dolls Roller Derby pom pom? lol. #
- @stewie__ I’m sure you’ll love the Roller Derby if you come along! Bit of a break before the next bout though 🙁 #
- Morning twitters flooded by Gizmodo, you’d think they could pace their content out a boit. #
- RT @donttrythis http://tinyurl.com/mopd4q Creation museum makes me mad. If you think the world is only 6000 years old, please stop following #
- Had to abbreviate that last one a bit, but you get the idea. I’m very much NOT into religious quackery (or any quackery really, sorry ducks) #
- I think Adam Savage just melted Twitpic @donttrythis one second it’s OK, then you post a new one and Twitpic is dead! #