- @Tarale All good news #
- Looking at Flashes for my Nikon on eBay .. does anyone have one to sell? #
- @Poptartlr Where will you be drinking? want some pain numbing company? (err, I mean CELEBRATION company!) #
- @Poptartlr Congrats… have fun tonight. I’ll do my drinking now and probably be heading home later. #
- @iPaulie all this talk of xboxes is making me ponder my stimulus spending. grrrr #
- @ohindiegirl IT crowd rocks! #
- @iPaulie I have a Wii , love it, but these days play very few games. So probably bad idea to buy another. LOL #
- @kitta http://twitpic.com/6nsfz – ohh very nice! #
- Bidding battle on eBay .. missed out on flash I wanted, but wouldn’t pay final price 4 it. #
- @Marawitch That’s a sexy looking camera #
- @Marawitch Take a lesson from Deadwood, Cocksucker is a much better swear word for technology #
- I have my stimulus spending all accounted for and spreadsheeted…. new toys here I come! #
- Just had an ebay spending spree. Light stands, studio umbrellas, and a few other bits and pieces. #
- Catching up on Twin Peaks since Tania has watched episodes without me! #
- @shaunau Which pic in the Salty Dolls photo are you referring to? Be careful with your answer.. one’s my girlfriend. 😉 #
- One last episode of Twin Peaks, then bed. It is almost 2am after all! #