- I’ve been stimulated! #
- @JudyDeVille Jealous. #
- @Poptartlr oooo those shoes are hot. and purple. #
- Shit, almost lunchtime already, where has the day gone?! #
- http://is.gd/MOP2 #improv I love what Improv Anywhere do, and this takes the cake! #
- @shaunau So make it worth your while, ride the whole way on the footpath! #
- Leaving work late.. but it’s MtG ‘s fault! #
- Looking at Nikon 50mm lenses on ebay… got to spend my stimulus! #
- Is #newinventors repeated anywhere? or streamed? I just missed it 🙁 #
- @stewie__ Not 100% on buying lenses on ebay, not sure how warranties work with Nikon. is it worth saving $30? maybe not. #
- @stewie__ a 50mm f1.8 is about $190 on ebay, seem to be about $210 – $230 retail #
- @stewie__ I’ve got a couple of Nikons, but my latest toy is a D90. I have a very nice old Nikkor 55mm f1.2 , but it’s full manual. #
- @iPaulie Thanks for reminding me! I can do an iView catchup, but not tonight. and being an Internode customer, no download metering! #
- @stewie__ Couldn’t say really, my other Camera is a D50. Much nicer view screen. Low light shooting is GREAT! Video mode… etc etc #
- @iPaulie Not sure about XBox live.. might want to ask on Whirlpool #
- @stewie__ (i’m sure you realise I’m saying the D90 is much nicer. lol) all round it’s a great camera, very happy. #
- @stewie__ At the moment I’m loving doing a lot of Roller Derby photography, but I’ll shoot anything. #
- @iPaulie Of the top of my head I can think of any particular model, but I use Billion (and sell them) so I guess they gets my vote 🙂 #
- Night all, nice twittering to y’all. #
- @galwithdimples QLD is an Australian state (abbreviation of Queensland) #
- @stewie__ Check out the ADRD home page. http://www.adelaiderollerderby.com/ Roller Derby is great fun! #
- now.. I’m really going to bed, honest! #