- http://is.gd/FWGo Cameron’s house in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off – For Sale! #
- http://is.gd/FWJ5 mp=1#Request Do you have US$2.3Million? #
- TV watching night tonight! #NewInventors , #SpicksnSpecks and a pizza for dinner 🙂 #
- @chantelleaustin YouTube topic … Sexual prefs, public or private and Social networking. My GF gets concerned about my openness. #
- @Tarale http://twitpic.com/61muy – The guys an idiot and now he’s gone we need to stop giving him any publicity. #
- @mpesce Curious, how do you get a gig as a futurist? Does it pay? Or what’s your ‘day’ job? #
- @mpesce Just asking because I think it’s one of my skills, but would have no idea how to capitalise on it! #
- http://twitpic.com/61nbf – Bizarre gift #
- http://twitpic.com/61nbf – A friend just returned from Europe, the gum is welcome, I love Big Red, but the ashtray? from Barcelona is ju … #
- Enough with the #newinventors spoilers! We don’t all live on the eastern seaboard! 🙂 #
- Chasers pushes limits, but American focus is obvious. I hear they’re selling well to US networks and looks like they’re catering to that #
- Morning twits 😉 #