- @drtiki Great that you guys are using an Australian game dev company! #
- Is there anyone who can help with getting RFID data from USB reader into access database app? #
- http://is.gd/xmjv This game looks hot! Red Dead Redemption, by Rockstar #
- Just ate a very yummy pizza from work canteen… extremely oily, but tasty! #
- Now I want another instead of the healthy sandwich i made myself 🙁 #
- Late home, popped in at my GFs to say hi before she headed off to Roller Derby training #
- Media Watch has always been a favourite program of mine. Nothing else like it. #
- Wonder if Media Watch will pick up on bad journalism story of the day about incorrect quotes lifted from Wikipedia #
- Love the influence Australia has on Twitter trending topics, such as #MediaWatch (yes I’m watching the Media Watch special) #
- RT @whatthetrend Why is #Mediawatch trending? Help explain why at What The Trend? http://wttrend.com/3188 #
- OK… trap for the unwary, genuine Twitterers with spam site URLs as their website? Not cool! #
- Another day at work, meeting today to discuss SAN implementation. Not sure if they’ll like spending the $$$ though! #